What media types does gallery support, what would it take to


Joined: 2002-08-27
Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 2003-03-19 03:46

I am using gallery to display jpegs and movies, but I would like to be able to upload other media types as well, including sound (wav, au, ogg), or other kinds of images (tiff, bmp), etc.

What media types does gallery support now, and what would it take for me to add in additional media types?



bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2003-03-19 09:34

Gallery2 will handle any type of file. The module API will allow us to write toolkits to handle lots of different file types, so we'll be able to handle all the standard images, plus we'll be able to work with movie and audio files and ultimately things like Microsoft Office files, etc. If there's a tool that handles the file and can manipulate it (eg, rotate, resize) or extract information from it (eg, pull the author name from a Word doc or grab a frame from a movie) then we'll be able to support it.