getPseudoFileName fails on GalleryDerivativeImage objects


Joined: 2006-05-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2006-05-02 06:41


I helped a friend with his recent Gallery 2 installation. He migrated from Gallery1, and some thumbnails did not show up. I hope I'm now posting to the right forum. :)

I debugged this and traced it down to the getPseudoFileName function, that returned "unknown" for many images when being called with a URL like main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=607&g2_serialNumber=11&g2_fileName=MyFilename.jpg

I found out that the $entity that is passed to the function was an object "GalleryDerivateiveImage", whose parent is not a GalleryfielSystemEntity but a GalleryPhotoItem. This made me change the function to this code:

    function getPseudoFileName($entity) {
         * If our GalleryEntity is a GalleryFileSystemEntity, then we've got a
         * path component so we're cool.  If it's a derivative, then get the
         * pseudo filename of its parent and use that instead (but make sure
         * the extension matches derivative, as parent mime type may differ).
         * If it's neither, then return 'unknown' for now.
        if (GalleryUtilities::isA($entity, 'GalleryFileSystemEntity')) {
            $pseudoFileName = $entity->getPathComponent();
        } else if (GalleryUtilities::isA($entity, 'GalleryDerivative') || GalleryUtilities::isA($entity, 'GalleryDerivativeImage')) { // Garvin Patch
            list ($ret, $parentEntity) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($entity->getParentId());
            if ($ret) {
                return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);

            if (GalleryUtilities::isA($parentEntity, 'GalleryFileSystemEntity') || GalleryUtilities::isA($parentEntity, 'GalleryPhotoItem')) { // Garvin Patch
                $pseudoFileName = $parentEntity->getPathComponent();
                if (!method_exists($parentEntity, 'getMimeType') ||
                        $parentEntity->getMimeType() != $entity->getMimeType()) {
                    list ($ret, $extensions) =
                    if ($ret) {
                        return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__), null);
                    if (!empty($extensions)) {
                        if (method_exists($parentEntity, 'getMimeType')) {
                            /* Change extension for mime type of this derivative */
                            $pseudoFileName =
                                preg_replace('{\.[^.]+$}', '.' . $extensions[0], $pseudoFileName);
                        } else {
                            /* Non-item parent, like an album.. add extension for this mime type */
                            $pseudoFileName .= '.' . $extensions[0];
        return array(null,
                     isset($pseudoFileName) ? $pseudoFileName : 'unknown');

Of course I wonder if this is intentional? I guess it's a problem with the migration, maybe? Since I know next to nothing of Gallery's internals, I don't know what this "GalleryDerivativeImage" comes from...

Best regards,
