Video Clip Gallery ?? !! Developers who read this by a chance, please contact me!

Klaus Kremer
Klaus Kremer's picture

Joined: 2006-04-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-04-27 11:56

Hi everybody
First I would like to thank you all for a great power- & helpful product which helps me and my company a lot!

I use Gallery2 on our website and want to do more with video-clips which I want to offer for download.
We have found a way to publish this with a text link, but I would love to have the film clip connected with a thumbnail of my choice, in order to make the download easier for the potential viewers!

Is anybody interested and willing to help us?
I am willing to donate or pay for an intelligent solution!

Nice greetings from Germany


h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Thu, 2006-04-27 12:36

Install the ffmpeg module (and ffmpeg binaries) and you should be set. Gallery 2 already supports making thumbnails from movies, and even playing them inline...

h0bbel - Gallery Team
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