Block Offline Browsers with captcha

Makc666's picture

Joined: 2003-12-26
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2006-04-21 19:39

I want to propose a new feature.
Lets call it
Block Offline Browsers with captcha

There are such probrammes as:
- MetaProducts Offline Explorer Enterprise
- Teleport Pro

They allow to download the whole site and browse it offline.
The main problem of these programes that they use MULTI-thread engine to browse/download your sire.
Such behaviour seriously affect your server loading.

I propose to make such future that when some user/session/IP opens more than 10 URLS in 15 seconds (for example) then such user is promted to fill in some captcha.
And untill he/she didn't make so he/she will get a WARNING page and will not be able to browse the site.

That it.

P.S. I have a very big site with around 100'000 images and I suffer from such people/programmes.