[Map Module] Why my routes get deleted on upgrades


Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 364
Posted: Fri, 2006-04-14 15:00

Just in case there is anybody else out there with a pea brain... :-)

Well, I just figured out why my route(s) always end up being
deleted every time I upgrade... It is due to the way I go
about upgrading. I always mv my map directory (to save all of
the things I invariably have messed with) aside and unzip the
new version in the modules directory. I have learned that I
always need to change permissions on the map/images directory
-and- copy over my map/images/groups/* (uploaded group thumbs).
I did not realize that there is a map/images/routes directory
that I was not copying over... this was the reason for my
route(s), apparently, disappearing. Since this directory does
not appear to exist in a newly unzipped map/images directory,
I assume it gets created when the first route is created.

Termitenshort's picture

Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-04-14 20:35

Actually it gets created on the fly when the routes are displayed and should not be needed. you can delete this folder each time, it'll just recreate the folder (assuming you have a working Imagemagic installation)

For the disapearing of your routes .... well I dunno. I never had that issue but then again when I upgrade I copy the files over the old ones...

I need to keep an eye on this and figure it out :-)
The Termite :-)