Incompatible module error Zen Cart - G2


Joined: 2005-02-11
Posts: 48
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-12 06:04

I go to the modules in Gallery2 and find this...
Zen Cart Integration Module
Incompatible module!
Core API Required: 7.0 (available: 6.8)
Module API Required: 3.0 (available: 2.0)


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-12 17:27

zcg2 0.8.3 is for G2.0.x, sounds like you got zcg2 0.9.0 which is for G2.1


Joined: 2005-02-11
Posts: 48
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-12 20:19

Urrr, I believe you are right now that you mention it...
I will download and try again.