.htaccess trouble


Joined: 2002-08-29
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2002-08-29 06:01

I saw Gallery on a friend's website and liked how it looked. So I tried to install it myself.

This is my machine, so I can do whatever I want with it :]
netPBM wasn't installed: installed no problem (although it complains about ppmtogif not being executable. heh, it's just not there. though I can understand because of gif license issues)
jhead wasn't installed: installed no problem
PHP 4.2.1 installed, magic quotes were on: turned off no problem

I started running into trouble with the .htaccess file. Initially it said that it wasn't being allowed to do what it wanted, and I created the directory section in httpd.conf like it asked (AllowOverride Options FileInfo), and then it blew up at me. Here's what shows up in the browser and my log files:

Error message:
/home/tib/public_html/gallery/setup/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_flag', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

I've looked through all the help files and all the FAQ's, no luck. (BTW, someone might want to update the README to have a correct url for the help stuff - gallery.sourceforge.net/help redirects properly, but throws you off at first).

OS: linux, debian, 2.4.17 kernel
Apache: 2.0.36, mod_rewrite in use (yes I know it's listed as 'unsupported', but I really would like to use gallery and I'm not willing to downrev the webserver I've been using for almost 6 months)
PHP: 4.2.1
http://www.tigerknight.org/~tib/gallery/setup/ if you'd like to see my problem.

One thing I forgot to mention earlier was that my .htaccess file was completely blank, so there was no line I could comment out, per the FAQ.


Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Thu, 2002-08-29 19:52

I run into this all the time, just re-name php_flag to php_value and you
should be all set.

TheWatcher's picture

Joined: 2002-08-21
Posts: 120
Posted: Fri, 2002-08-30 06:45
I saw Gallery on a friend's website and liked how it looked. So I tried to install it myself.

This is my machine, so I can do whatever I want with it :]
netPBM wasn't installed: installed no problem (although it complains about ppmtogif not being executable. heh, it's just not there. though I can understand because of gif license issues)
jhead wasn't installed: installed no problem
PHP 4.2.1 installed, magic quotes were on: turned off no problem

I started running into trouble with the .htaccess file. Initially it said that it wasn't being allowed to do what it wanted, and I created the directory section in httpd.conf like it asked (AllowOverride Options FileInfo), and then it blew up at me. Here's what shows up in the browser and my log files:

Error message:
/home/tib/public_html/gallery/setup/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_flag', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

I've looked through all the help files and all the FAQ's, no luck. (BTW, someone might want to update the README to have a correct url for the help stuff - gallery.sourceforge.net/help redirects properly, but throws you off at first).

OS: linux, debian, 2.4.17 kernel
Apache: 2.0.36, mod_rewrite in use (yes I know it's listed as 'unsupported', but I really would like to use gallery and I'm not willing to downrev the webserver I've been using for almost 6 months)
PHP: 4.2.1
http://www.tigerknight.org/~tib/gallery/setup/ if you'd like to see my problem.

One thing I forgot to mention earlier was that my .htaccess file was completely blank, so there was no line I could comment out, per the FAQ.

Your site is doing great.