Should the "start" link close the info window if the info window is open?
Should the center button of the panning controls clear the history or not?
In my opinion, 2 x YES
Joined: 2006-05-15
Posts: 20
Posted: Fri, 2006-05-19 13:07
my opinions:
Should the "start" link close the info window if the info window is open?
Yes, it makes sense to close the info window, since it's a reset action
Should the center button of the panning controls clear the history or not?
No, i don't think it should
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-05-19 14:05
I would agree with frosty_yul1, yes to the closing infowindows (if it's easily do-able), no to clearing the history on "go back to the center" from the custom control.
See you
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-05-19 14:07
Termitenshort wrote:
I'm trying to make the admin interface a bit better and I was wondering if the following idea is good or not:
- I would like to have 3 tabs like on the mokup enclosed (it's fake for now, I have not changed anything yet...)
- The first tab would remain unchanged
- On the secon tab, there would be a small arrow and when you click on the tab, it would show a menu to let you choose between Theme, Marker and Legend settings
- On the third tab, same principle, a small menu appear and lets you choose between filters, routes and groups.
I think this way it would make the Interface look cleaner in some ways.
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.9
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.18-nt-log,
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 06:34
This looks cool. It would be nice to see some HTML example of this to implement.
Tremite, I would like to change my vote to do this, if you can. I would like this better than a dropdown.
While I am here attached is the two files for move history in V0.5.1d.
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 06:55
hmm, that would be the SAP webgui ... don't know of any 'public' implementations, but there must be public examples around... I'll try to find something
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.9
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.18-nt-log,
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 13:56
That's not too hard to implement.
So in summary, the idea would be to have all the tab possible (depending on the screen size) visible and the rest would be hidden, they could be shown in a dropdown to access them or a left-right button to slide along.
I can get that done fairly easily ;-)
Working on it today as much as I can, I will try to show some basic version in the next few days....
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-22 13:57
Thanks for the move history. I will get that incorporated in the SVN today most likely ;)
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-05-23 20:53
Ok I have got the move history implanted . took me a little while longer coz it wasn't cooperating with the AutoCenter&Zoom deal ... now it's fine but I think we will need to add something when an infowinfow is open but the map does not need to move (it's rare but it happens) then the hostory doesn't record that.
I'm gonna copy some code over in the infowindowopen listener and see what happen . Also when the "window" tag is there and clicked, the infowindow actually doesn't close
That should be pretty straight forward to fix though ;)
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-05-23 20:59
I fixed both "issue". I think it's cool now
I will be putting this in SVN very soon ;)
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-05-23 21:06
Allright ... I know I'm just babling here but after using the history a little bit (testing you know ...) I don't like it the way it is anymore so I put it back the way Floridave originally designed it
I'm uploading it to SVN for the "cutting-edge" tester to play with
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-24 02:44
Termite, I have played with the infowindow and the history for some time. I think some users would like it one-way and other might like it the other. I think that once the infowindow is open the user will only move the map slightly to "see" the infowindow a bit better. In My Opinion I don't that this needs a move history link.
We can always change this if the "tester(s)" find a better way.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-24 05:29
I agree with you, this seems the best way. At least it's a more "natural" way of cuntionning
Also on a different note, I almost got the Help system working. There will be a Admin help and a User Help. Both can be disabled if needed. the Help Text will be in a simple .js file as variables and can be changed easily. The all thing is linked to the language deal to easily get translated
Also the next thing is to have some configuration item for the custom controls so they can be moved around the Map
See you all soon !
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-24 14:10
Termitenshort wrote:
Also the next thing is to have some configuration item for the custom controls so they can be moved around the Map
If you set the non custom position and then change it to custom it seems to understand the positioning. At present only the positioning gets hidden when a custom control is selected. Perhaps just remove the "hide" part of the positioning when using custom controls.
The original concept was to have the custom controls positioned with the *.inc file.
I thought of making a few very different controls but I don’t think they get used that much. From all the maps I have seen, I have only seen a few use the custom controls. And mostly the fullflorida one. (thanks)
I would not spend much time on a feature that does not get used much.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2006-05-29 21:57
Well more news for you all !!
I was working on the Help system so that we can have some help for our user's as well as help on the Admin Panel directly I have some of it done but now it's time to put the actual help online which takes a LOT of effort ...
I managed to get it working so that I can retrieve and MUCH more interestingly write EXIF information on pictures ... well you see where I'm going. I'm going to make it so that you can recurse all accross your gallery and write the GPS coordinates you have stored in the database directly into the pictures
This way, you can loose the database as long as you have the pictures, retreival takes just a few second thanks to the "magic button"
I think I should get something working very soon and when that's done, the next mini-project is the tab system in the admin panel ...
See you !
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Tue, 2006-05-30 21:19
So the EXIF import/export is not finished, I will have to figure out what to do with the albums, so far I can think of 3 choices:
- Do nothing (current situation)
- Populate the GPS information to/from the "highlight" pictures
- Populate informaiton to/from the immediate content of the album
For that last one, it would be a bit more complex, for the importing GPS coordinates into the album GPS field, it would import an average coordinates of all the item inside the album GPS cordinates (assuming they exists). For the Export, it would populate the album GPS coordinates into all the pictures that don't already have GPS infos in their header (so that later it would re-import correctly).
Well I'm not too sure yet so I will probably ask you all what you think on that
Also, on the tab system project, this is what I have so far an example of what it looks like on a 1027x768 machine enclosed in the JPG file. Tomorrow I will write the Javascript that does the tab shifting thing
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-31 00:38
Termitenshort wrote:
So the EXIF import/export is not finished, I will have to figure out what to do with the albums, so far I can think of 3 choices:
- Do nothing (current situation)
- Populate the GPS information to/from the "highlight" pictures
- Populate informaiton to/from the immediate content of the album
If I understand, you have already figured out how to populate/extract the single items only. Then if that is correct then the I suggest we use the album highlight for the album as the rest of gallery behaves this way.
IF I misunderstood then please explain better.
Termitenshort wrote:
Also, on the tab system project,
That looks cool. Why can't the tabs "wrap" like the config wizard of G1. But, Yours looks better anyway.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-31 03:08
floridave wrote:
So the EXIF import/export is not finished, I will have to figure out what to do with the albums, so far I can think of 3 choices:
- Do nothing (current situation)
- Populate the GPS information to/from the "highlight" pictures
- Populate informaiton to/from the immediate content of the album
If I understand, you have already figured out how to populate/extract the single items only. Then if that is correct then the I suggest we use the album highlight for the album as the rest of gallery behaves this way.
IF I misunderstood then please explain better.
Yes that's exactly it.
I have the Write to EXIF header all figured out and it's on the SVN repository if you'd like to try it It seems to work pretty good.
I think I will do as you think, the highlight is what seems the easiest and what makes the most "sense" at this point
floridave wrote:
Also, on the tab system project,
That looks cool. Why can't the tabs "wrap" like the config wizard of G1. But, Yours looks better anyway.
The tab don't wrap because of the theme, if you use other theme it seems to wrap correctly but I guess with the new system there should be no problems anymore
When I get the new interface running I will probably re-organize some of the things around to make ir more user-friendly. Also I have setup a project on but no-one has vonlonteered to help out yet
See you !
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-02 04:08
A small change in the API v=2.53; we don't need to move the copywrite text as the API will do this for us now.
We don't need
var copyrightdiv = mapdiv.firstChild.nextSibling; = ({$map.Gx2SizeX}+3)+"px";
from MapHeader.tpl.
Termite, I think your thread in the API forums prompted them to fix it.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-02 13:03
floridave wrote:
A small change in the API v=2.53; we don't need to move the copywrite text as the API will do this for us now.
We don't need
var copyrightdiv = mapdiv.firstChild.nextSibling; = ({$map.Gx2SizeX}+3)+"px";
from MapHeader.tpl.
Termite, I think your thread in the API forums prompted them to fix it.
Lol ... I'm not sure they listened to me but this is cool Did you test it out ? I tested yesterday and I wasn't able to get it to work so I'm not sure what's I'm doing right or wrong ...
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-02 13:14
Termitenshort wrote:
Did you test it out ? I tested yesterday and I wasn't able to get it to work so I'm not sure what's I'm doing right or wrong ...
Yes and it does work. YOu have to force version 2.53 as it has not become the default ...YET.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-02 13:53
ok i see. i'm sure the next version won't be released until 2.53 is default
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-26
Posts: 224
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-09 16:43
Heya gang, just wanted to let you know Im still around if you miss my bug testing;) I still use the maps for my personal gallery but after trying for several weeks have decided to drop gallery2 for a development project for a larger community based site and its taking all my time up, cheers.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-09 18:38
dotnature wrote:
Heya gang, just wanted to let you know Im still around if you miss my bug testing;) I still use the maps for my personal gallery but after trying for several weeks have decided to drop gallery2 for a development project for a larger community based site and its taking all my time up, cheers.
oooo we're loosing some valuable testing cycle there . I hope you have some fun there though ;)
See you !
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-06-22 23:50
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to say that I have not disapeared and I'm still working on the map module (sorry for those who don't want me around ).
I have been a bit busy with my wife delivering our second baby girl (Laura) and trying to help her out. I also been working a lot @ my "real" job and doing a few gigs here and there to help out others as well as my finances ...
Anyway I should be back on track developping soon for the map module (couple of days probably) and so finish up version 0.5.2a that I have started and is only available at this time on SVN
The list of feature request seems to be ever growing but do not worry you all, it'll be all in sometime eventually
See you later !!
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-23 00:11
I have been a bit busy with my wife delivering our second baby girl (Laura) and trying to help her out.
Congrats! Laura, is my daughters middle name!
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-23 00:29
Congrats! Laura, is my daughters middle name!
Now that's just funny !!
Thanks a lot !
The Termite
Joined: 2005-02-19
Posts: 1023
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-20 10:18
Hi Termite,
thats cool - all the best to Laura, the mother an you . Seems to be infectious - I spent the last two months with my first-born son, Maximilian Mark, who even now only 8 weeks old prevents me from being at the machine as often as I was previously used to ;) (but is responsible for a lot of new albums at my gallery ;))
Best regards,
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.12
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.22-log,
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-07-20 12:51
Thanks Lutz,
I see what you mean
News of the map module:
I have been working on other smaller projects and so not been able to complete the map module next release but it's comming very soon now . I think I will be able to start being serious about it in August and probably complete the next release before the end of August !
Well I dunno if this is affecting many people or just me but it seems that something changed in the Google Api recently and the map module simply stop functionning ... no clicking on marker wil bring the infowindow.
I've look into it a little but haven't figured it out yet .. I hope to find a solution soon
Termite, I can confirm this - the little info on hovering over the pins is still there, clicking on it seems to shortly pop up something on the upper-left corner of the map but doesn't display the infowindow any more.
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.14
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.22-log,
PHP version is the issue ( I THINK ) :
works: PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
not: PHP version = 4.4.2 cgi
I can't understand how that would make it break. The JavaScript is the same version in both cases (api version 2.x) But JS is the culprit. Am I missing something that I missed, it is getting late here.
Yes and the weirdest of all is that if you fix the API to 2.58 it works fine no matter what you do ....
So it's a combinaison of PHP anf Javascript with something new in 2.59 and up ...
It could be something with the ' & " with php .... I'll take a look. I have confirmed that php 5 seems to work but below 5 doesn't ... I can't seem to find out why.
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.14
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.22-log,
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 17:39
With Gxmag being a issue perhaps this:
is a repacement? The text can be replaced with some forms of graphic. Is is user friendly? Opinions?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 19:28
This looks good to me.
I think I should change the module to use this in the mean time and I will probably spend some time re-creating another GxMagnifier-like extension. Simple an efficient. Only thing it'll do will be the magnifying thing
For now this zoom deal looks nice
The Termite - -
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2006-09-15 05:49
For information,
The new release of the map module may come soon. I am down to 15 tasks on that tasks list so good chances of it happenning (finally)
Hang in there people
The Termite - -
Posts: 1894
ok, thanks
The Termite
Posts: 108
In my opinion, 2 x YES
Posts: 20
my opinions:
Yes, it makes sense to close the info window, since it's a reset action
No, i don't think it should
Posts: 1894
I would agree with frosty_yul1, yes to the closing infowindows (if it's easily do-able), no to clearing the history on "go back to the center" from the custom control.
See you

The Termite
Posts: 1894
I need more vote on this to be able to have a clear decision
Posts: 27300
Well I got the history to work but found a issue when using V2.x of the Google API.
It don't work. But V2 does.:
This is delaying my final testing.
I suspect the Google's night shift / weekend shift did something.
Posts: 1023
just only now saw your comment on the poll - please see attached
and scrolled to the right
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.9
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.18-nt-log,
Posts: 27300
This looks cool. It would be nice to see some HTML example of this to implement.
Tremite, I would like to change my vote to do this, if you can. I would like this better than a dropdown.
While I am here attached is the two files for move history in V0.5.1d.
Posts: 1023
hmm, that would be the SAP webgui ... don't know of any 'public' implementations, but there must be public examples around... I'll try to find something
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.9
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.18-nt-log,
Posts: 1894
That's not too hard to implement.
So in summary, the idea would be to have all the tab possible (depending on the screen size) visible and the rest would be hidden, they could be shown in a dropdown to access them or a left-right button to slide along.
I can get that done fairly easily ;-)
Working on it today as much as I can, I will try to show some basic version in the next few days....
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Thanks for the move history. I will get that incorporated in the SVN today most likely ;)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Ok I have got the move history implanted
. took me a little while longer coz it wasn't cooperating with the AutoCenter&Zoom deal ... now it's fine but I think we will need to add something when an infowinfow is open but the map does not need to move (it's rare but it happens) then the hostory doesn't record that.
I'm gonna copy some code over in the infowindowopen listener and see what happen
. Also when the "window" tag is there and clicked, the infowindow actually doesn't close 
That should be pretty straight forward to fix though ;)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
I fixed both "issue". I think it's cool now
I will be putting this in SVN very soon ;)
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Allright ... I know I'm just babling here but after using the history a little bit (testing you know ...) I don't like it the way it is anymore so I put it back the way Floridave originally designed it
I'm uploading it to SVN for the "cutting-edge" tester to play with

The Termite
Posts: 27300
Termite, I have played with the infowindow and the history for some time. I think some users would like it one-way and other might like it the other. I think that once the infowindow is open the user will only move the map slightly to "see" the infowindow a bit better. In My Opinion I don't that this needs a move history link.
We can always change this if the "tester(s)" find a better way.
Posts: 1894
I agree with you, this seems the best way. At least it's a more "natural" way of cuntionning
Also on a different note, I almost got the Help system working. There will be a Admin help and a User Help. Both can be disabled if needed. the Help Text will be in a simple .js file as variables and can be changed easily. The all thing is linked to the language deal to easily get translated
Also the next thing is to have some configuration item for the custom controls so they can be moved around the Map
See you all soon !
The Termite
Posts: 27300
If you set the non custom position and then change it to custom it seems to understand the positioning. At present only the positioning gets hidden when a custom control is selected. Perhaps just remove the "hide" part of the positioning when using custom controls.
The original concept was to have the custom controls positioned with the *.inc file.
I thought of making a few very different controls but I don’t think they get used that much. From all the maps I have seen, I have only seen a few use the custom controls. And mostly the fullflorida one. (thanks)
I would not spend much time on a feature that does not get used much.
Posts: 1894
Well more news for you all !!
I was working on the Help system so that we can have some help for our user's as well as help on the Admin Panel directly
I have some of it done but now it's time to put the actual help online which takes a LOT of effort ...
So I took a break and found this:
I managed to get it working so that I can retrieve and MUCH more interestingly write EXIF information on pictures
... well you see where I'm going. I'm going to make it so that you can recurse all accross your gallery and write the GPS coordinates you have stored in the database directly into the pictures 
This way, you can loose the database as long as you have the pictures, retreival takes just a few second thanks to the "magic button"
I think I should get something working very soon and when that's done, the next mini-project is the tab system in the admin panel ...
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
So the EXIF import/export is not finished, I will have to figure out what to do with the albums, so far I can think of 3 choices:
- Do nothing (current situation)
- Populate the GPS information to/from the "highlight" pictures
- Populate informaiton to/from the immediate content of the album
For that last one, it would be a bit more complex, for the importing GPS coordinates into the album GPS field, it would import an average coordinates of all the item inside the album GPS cordinates (assuming they exists). For the Export, it would populate the album GPS coordinates into all the pictures that don't already have GPS infos in their header (so that later it would re-import correctly).
Well I'm not too sure yet so I will probably ask you all what you think on that
Also, on the tab system project, this is what I have so far an example of what it looks like on a 1027x768 machine enclosed in the JPG file. Tomorrow I will write the Javascript that does the tab shifting thing
The Termite
Posts: 27300
If I understand, you have already figured out how to populate/extract the single items only. Then if that is correct then the I suggest we use the album highlight for the album as the rest of gallery behaves this way.
IF I misunderstood then please explain better.
That looks cool. Why can't the tabs "wrap" like the config wizard of G1. But, Yours looks better anyway.
Posts: 1894
Yes that's exactly it.
It seems to work pretty good.
I have the Write to EXIF header all figured out and it's on the SVN repository if you'd like to try it
I think I will do as you think, the highlight is what seems the easiest and what makes the most "sense" at this point
The tab don't wrap because of the theme, if you use other theme it seems to wrap correctly but I guess with the new system there should be no problems anymore
When I get the new interface running I will probably re-organize some of the things around to make ir more user-friendly. Also I have setup a project on but no-one has vonlonteered to help out yet
See you !
Posts: 27300
A small change in the API v=2.53; we don't need to move the copywrite text as the API will do this for us now.
We don't need
from MapHeader.tpl.
Termite, I think your thread in the API forums prompted them to fix it.
Posts: 1894
Lol ... I'm not sure they listened to me but this is cool
Did you test it out ? I tested yesterday and I wasn't able to get it to work so I'm not sure what's I'm doing right or wrong ...
Posts: 27300
Yes and it does work. YOu have to force version 2.53 as it has not become the default ...YET.
Posts: 1894
ok i see. i'm sure the next version won't be released until 2.53 is default

The Termite
Posts: 224
Heya gang, just wanted to let you know Im still around if you miss my bug testing;) I still use the maps for my personal gallery but after trying for several weeks have decided to drop gallery2 for a development project for a larger community based site and its taking all my time up, cheers.
Posts: 1894
oooo we're loosing some valuable testing cycle there
. I hope you have some fun there though ;)
See you !
Posts: 1894
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to say that I have not disapeared and I'm still working on the map module (sorry for those who don't want me around
I have been a bit busy with my wife delivering our second baby girl (Laura) and trying to help her out. I also been working a lot @ my "real" job and doing a few gigs here and there to help out others as well as my finances
Anyway I should be back on track developping soon for the map module (couple of days probably) and so finish up version 0.5.2a that I have started and is only available at this time on SVN
The list of feature request seems to be ever growing but do not worry you all, it'll be all in sometime eventually

See you later !!
The Termite
Posts: 27300
Congrats! Laura, is my daughters middle name!
Posts: 1894
Now that's just funny !!
Thanks a lot !
The Termite
Posts: 1023
Hi Termite,
thats cool - all the best to Laura, the mother an you
. Seems to be infectious - I spent the last two months with my first-born son, Maximilian Mark, who even now only 8 weeks old prevents me from being at the machine as often as I was previously used to ;) (but is responsible for a lot of new albums at my gallery ;))
Best regards,
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.12
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.22-log,
Posts: 1894
Thanks Lutz,
I see what you mean
News of the map module:
. I think I will be able to start being serious about it in August and probably complete the next release before the end of August !
I have been working on other smaller projects and so not been able to complete the map module next release but it's comming very soon now
See you all soon
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
Well I dunno if this is affecting many people or just me but it seems that something changed in the Google Api recently and the map module simply stop functionning ... no clicking on marker wil bring the infowindow.
I've look into it a little but haven't figured it out yet .. I hope to find a solution soon
See you !
The Termite -
Posts: 1023
Termite, I can confirm this - the little info on hovering over the pins is still there, clicking on it seems to shortly pop up something on the upper-left corner of the map but doesn't display the infowindow any more.

Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.14
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.22-log,
Posts: 29
It works fine for me ;-)
Posts: 20
no problems here.
Gallery v2.1 using Carbon Theme
Google Map Module 0.5.1d
Posts: 1894
Hmm that's strange ....
The Termite -
Posts: 27300
Strange indeed.
(map module 0.5.2a) (Gallery version = 2.1 core 1.1.0 )
(Map Module 0.5.2a) (Gallery version = 2.1 core 1.1.0 )
PHP version is the issue ( I THINK ) :
works: PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
not: PHP version = 4.4.2 cgi
I can't understand how that would make it break. The JavaScript is the same version in both cases (api version 2.x) But JS is the culprit. Am I missing something that I missed, it is getting late here.
Blog with G2 || Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 1894
Yes and the weirdest of all is that if you fix the API to 2.58 it works fine no matter what you do ....
So it's a combinaison of PHP anf Javascript with something new in 2.59 and up ...
It could be something with the ' & " with php .... I'll take a look. I have confirmed that php 5 seems to work but below 5 doesn't ... I can't seem to find out why.
This is not a simple issue I think
The Termite -
Posts: 1023
Oops - I'm running PHP 5.1.4 and "no go" - weird
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.14
PHP version = 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.4 mod_ssl/2.2.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8b
Database = mysql 5.0.22-log,
Posts: 27300
With Gxmag being a issue perhaps this:
is a repacement? The text can be replaced with some forms of graphic. Is is user friendly? Opinions?
Posts: 1894
This looks good to me.
I think I should change the module to use this in the mean time and I will probably spend some time re-creating another GxMagnifier-like extension. Simple an efficient. Only thing it'll do will be the magnifying thing
For now this zoom deal looks nice
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
For information,
The new release of the map module may come soon. I am down to 15 tasks on that tasks list so good chances of it happenning (finally)
Hang in there people
The Termite -