G2.1 RC1 - Image block returns incorrect link


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-02 15:07

I'm sending the correct path info via the embed::init(), infact i have changed the URI's to many settings and get similar results.

the random image that appears is a valid "thumbnail" image, the link to see the full image is incorrect.

I thought it may be the way i defined the URI's but the embeded gallery works correctly.

example of a correct image but non-correct link:
<a href="index.php?g2_itemId=24&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" >
<img src="http://www.mydomain.com/modules/images/engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=25&amp;g2_serialNumber=2&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" width="150" height="113" class="giThumbnail" alt="Slide04.JPG" longdesc=""/>

Should be:
<a href="http://www.mydomain.com/modules/images/index.php?g2_itemId=24&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" >
<img src="http://www.mydomain.com/modules/images/engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=25&amp;g2_serialNumber=2&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" width="150" height="113" class="giThumbnail" alt="Slide04.JPG" longdesc=""/>


<a href="/modules/images/index.php?g2_itemId=24&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" >
<img src="http://www.mydomain.com/modules/images/engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=25&amp;g2_serialNumber=2&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" width="150" height="113" class="giThumbnail" alt="Slide04.JPG" longdesc=""/>


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-02 21:27

are you sure you're using the GalleryEmbed params that we expect in G2.1?

other than that, you've discovered another bug. i filed it for you:


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 2006-03-04 21:55

I dont think there is a session problem per se, I think there is a link problem. Or a falt in the way embedURI and g2Uri are used/modified.

Logged in as a user results in...

Scheme 1. sending to GalleryEmbed::init(array(...))
embed URI (embedUri) /server/path/html/modules/images/index.php
base URI (g2Uri) /server/path/html/modules/images/engine/

GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(...) result html:
(no image appears!!)
<div class="one-image"><a href="index.php?g2_itemId=42&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=059bb436435d3afd9194791203701125"> <img src="engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=43&amp;g2_serialNumber=2&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=059bb436435d3afd9194791203701125" width="150" height="113" class="giThumbnail" alt="Slide10.JPG" longdesc=""/> </a></div>

the src link is incorrect should at least be /modules/images/engine/main.php...
the href is incorrect it should be /modules/images/index.php...

Scheme 2. sending to GalleryEmbed::init(array(...))
Trying a different URI scheme:

embed URI (embedUri) http://www.website.net/modules/images/index.php
base URI (g2Uri) http://www.website.net/modules/images/engine/

GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(...) result html:
(no image appears!!)
<div class="one-image"><a href="index.php?g2_itemId=139&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=52f0da46852044f3bf77e2734a2a3aeb" >
<img src="engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=140&amp;g2_serialNumber=3&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=52f0da46852044f3bf77e2734a2a3aeb" width="150" height="112" class="giThumbnail" alt="halloween800x600.jpg" longdesc=""/></a></div>

the src link is incorrect should at least be /modules/images/engine/main.php...
the href is incorrect it should be /modules/images/index.php...

Scheme 3. sending to GalleryEmbed::init(array(...))
Trying a different URI scheme (known to be incorrect):

embed URI (embedUri) modules/images/index.php
base URI (g2Uri) http://www.website.net/modules/images/engine/

GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(...) result html:
(random Image Appears, Yea...)
<div class="one-image"><a href="index.php?g2_itemId=24&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=6dcb87efd5ed5c6ad1d08714c7bf7f0d" >
<img src="http://www.website.net/modules/images/engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId=25&amp;g2_serialNumber=2&amp;g2_GALLERYSID=6dcb87efd5ed5c6ad1d08714c7bf7f0d" width="150" height="113" class="giThumbnail" alt="Slide04.JPG" longdesc=""/></a></div>

the href is still incorrect it should be something like http://www.website.net/modules/images/index.php...


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 2006-03-04 22:00

From the doc - Scheme 2. should work right?

Access Point ( = embedUri ) --> /appdir/gallery2.php
Gallery 2 Base Directory ( = g2Uri ) --> /appdir/gallery2


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2006-03-05 18:07

is there still a document that has "/appdir/gallery2" and not "/appdir/gallery2/" in it? (notice the traling slash)


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 2006-03-05 20:58

yes line 44 of Embedding that came with the 2.1 RC1 download forgot the trailing slash. I'm using the trailing slash in my Scheme 2 and the results are not what I expect.


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-06 01:10

ok, more looking into the issue on my part. I notice that with xoops the "home" page and some modules cause the link to be incorrect. Is smarty sending the link information? I would like to know how the urls for the random image are being sent to see if I can fix it on my end.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-06 16:14

there's no EMBEDDING document in the current nightly snapshot. if you find such typos in codex.gallery2.org, don't hesitate to correct them yourself or report.

i guess you get the wrong embedUri from xoops, right?

that's why i wouldn't acquire it dynamically on each request, but store the known good values for embedUri and g2Uri on setup.

also, short urls (rewrite module) is a very complicated topic, so you might want to try adding rewrite support later when everything else works.


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2006-03-07 06:07

There is something going on here that I"m not understanding.

I have hard coded the information (http://www.site.com/modules/images/index.php and http://www.site.com/modules/images/engine/)
I do not use rewrite. I get the same results.

on the http://www.site.com page i DO NOT see the random images but I do see their titles.
on the http://www.site.com/user.php (incorrect login redirect) i DO see the random images and correct links.
on some modules I DO NOT see random images but their titles, other modules I see everything correctly.

I'm thinking there is a smarty or some other issue here. (this did not happen with gallery2 v2.0.2 embedded)
How did :getImageBlock(...) change from v2.0.2 to v2.1? How is it determined how urlgenerator's $protocol, $host, $path and $file(may be null)
are truncated and passed on to and thru the templates.

Maybe this is a better question: How could you scrub, clip, truncate, erase the $protocol, $host, and part of the $path?

when it "works" i get:
<a href="/modules/images/index.php?g2_itemId...
<img src="/modules/images/engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem...

when is does not "work" i get:
<a href="index.php?g2_itemId...
<img src="engine/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem...


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2006-03-07 06:57

I have a fix:

forceFullUrl= true

Everything (dynamic acquisition of embeduri and g2uri included) works as expected. Something is not working 100% correctly with the relative linking method.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-09 08:56

where is fullUrl=true required?
we already have it everywhere in the imageblock module. if you have problems, then you have changed / old templates (modules/imageblock/templates/ ...)


Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 2006-11-05 20:19

Update: Still have a similar issue with v2.1.2. The imageblock template has:


And I cannot see where to set the $ImageBlockData.forceFullUrl (assuming it is a variable)

I created a local template and changed every instance of the above code to:


And the embeded blocks work as expected.

Where is $ImageBlockData info set?

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2007-12-19 02:21

I just ran into this same problem with the latest nightly (2.3)
I changed line 199 imageBlockHelper.class
$ImageBlockData['forceFullUrl'] = 0;
$ImageBlockData['forceFullUrl'] = 1;

Why would that be hardcoded?

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