pt_BR for Slideshow


Joined: 2004-12-08
Posts: 143
Posted: Sun, 2006-02-26 22:15

Hi mindless,

I edited a pr_BR.po for the Slideshow module that did not exist.
It's not 100% translated, all commands are translated, except for the "fade" section names (Radial, Rain, Spiral, etc...)
Here are the .po and .mo so you can add to the next Gallery Version.

If this was not the right place to submit this, sorry, did not know where else.
I see that the Attachments go as .TXT
If there's another place to submit these files, let me know!

YEAH!!!!! My first real contribution to Gallery (other than $$ that I already gave)


pt_BR.po.txt3.21 KB KB
mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-01 18:02