Changing getPhotoPath function or opening picture BY ITSELF


Joined: 2002-08-28
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2002-08-28 03:03

Gallery has been *awesome* so far and I'm almost done customizing it for my website. But when I click on a picture while I'm viewing an album I want it to open the picture, by itself, in a new window.

I can make it open the picture in a new window fine but capturing the path to the picture in /albums/album01/filename.jpg instead of /gallery/album01/aaa is the tough part.

inline_photothumb.frame.default uses $href to specify the path of the file and it gets it like this:

$href = $gallery->html_wrap['thumbHref'];

view_album.php gets html_wrap['thumbHref'] like this:

$gallery->html_wrap['thumbHref'] = $gallery->album->getPhotoPath($i);

And here's where function getPhotoPath is done:

function getPhotoPath($index, $full=0) {
$photo = $this->getPhoto($index);
return $photo->getPhotoPath($this->getAlbumDirURL("full"), $full);

Right here is where I get lost. I want to change it to point to the *actual* filename on the server, not the fake path (/gallery/album01/aaa).


OR, on the page that opens up with the full picture, I don't want any background colors or other "stuff" on it.

I don't think I could handle a "hack" of another entire page (view_photo.php I assume) in my goal to customize this thing. :smile: So opening the plain full picture file would seem easiest... but it would also be nice to use a variety of .jpg and .gif files so I don't know how that would work. Hacking view_photo.php might be easier.

