Random Block, Stand Alone, Nested Albums

WebMistressVenus's picture

Joined: 2003-03-01
Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 2003-03-03 18:05

Got this working in a sinch and love it! No problems - but need some help --- I use nested albums, and on my random Block, top 10 and last updated the only entries are the top albums, not the nested albums.

I have 6 main "categories" and they only hold nested albums

Album 1
--nested album 1
---50 photos
--nested album 2
---50 photos
--nested album 3
---50 photos
Album 2
--nested album 1
---50 photos
Album 3
--nested album 1
---50 photos
Album 4
--nested album 1
---50 photos

and so on, how do I get these photos, listings to show up in the top 10, last updated and randomblock???

Any help would be appreciated!