letting the user set gamma (and autoconverting ...)


Joined: 2002-08-27
Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 2003-03-03 05:50

Gallery rocks. Very cool.

Two years ago, when I built my first photoalbum (tcl, imagemagick, acs), my mom was using a webtv, and one of my digital cameras was a very nice canon digital camcorder,

The result was that my pc's gamma was different from what the camera took was different from what mac users wanted to use and was different than optimal display on a tv set.

So amongst all the resizes, I also changed the gamma on demand to the user preference. This can make a remarkable difference. Photos taken on a device meant to be displayed on a tv are often too dark for a pc. Similarly (IIRC) with photos taken on a device for a mac when displayed on a pc. And the inverse is true too. Photos for a pc are too light for the other devices. Or contrapositive or converse or something like that.

Anyway, it's an easy thing to do with imagemagick.