want to disable the UTF-8 encoding in G2


Joined: 2006-02-21
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-21 07:41

Hi all,

I have installed both Gallery2 and a G2 component in my Mambo. After tuning hard, finally all things works fine except the encoding.. I am using Big-5 code to create the Mambo and album (in root/gallery2/, not inside Mambo).. however, the Mambo G2 will assign the webpage encoding as UTF-8.. now, I have to manually switch the encoding to Big-5 on every page in the albums...

Can anyone help me to solve the problem? I want the G2 assign Big-5 to its pages, or neglect the encoding and using the Mambo default, which is set to Big-5..

Thanks a lot!


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-21 21:27

not possible. we usually tell mambo users to change the mambo charset encoding to utf8.
yes, it's a shortcoming of g2, yes, we may offer more flexibility in the future and yes, some users have found workarounds that actually work pretty good. maybe you can find them with the forum search function, you'll find them in the g2 integrations forum.