Feature request, maybe you already have it


Joined: 2003-03-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2003-03-02 04:38

Having not downloaded gallery 2 yet... I may be askign for something that already exsists: Smart account administration.

Basically I would like to have groups, in each group I would have the group admin, group moderator and group user. The group admin would be able to see all pictures in the entire group, but not that of other private groups. The system admin could see all pictures, or is a user was given permissions to 4 groups they would be able to see each group.

Here's my application: We have this skin analysis machine that allows us to see the condition of your face. We can take a picture of what we see. I want to post these pictures on a web site based on Gallery. We have several different groups, and I want each group to be able to admin only the info in their group. The customers would be able to log in and see just their pictures, the sales rep would see just the people that they have sold to, and the group leader would be able to see all the people in their group. These people can not see any accounts outside of their own group.

Could I do this? I kinda have this working under Gallery 1.3.3; however, I don't have group support. An admin (which is required to create a new login) can see all accounts and that's not cool. I'm SOOOO close yet so far away :???:

All in all, I think Gallery is very, very cool and I'm using version 1.3.3 as a stop gap. If anyone cares, I'm running this bad boy on a Mac OS X server 10.2.4, and she runs very, very well.

Thanks all, you're awesome!

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2003-03-02 06:54

G2 allows you to have groups and group-related permissions. You can have users in groups where each group can only see its own set of data. However, currently G2 admins have the ability to see and edit users in all groups. It wouldn't be that hard to restrict user admin permissions, but we won't do that in G2.0. Maybe G2.1.