Debug messages:
Status: 255 (expected 0)
util.php::257 -> Unable to determine image dimensions!
imageManipulation.php::36 -> Resizing Image: /home/warlchee/public_html/albums/Warlund-Previews/bat1_002.jpg
util.php::205 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/warlchee/public_html/albums/Warlund-Previews/bat1_002.jpg
imageManipulation.php::683 -> Compressing image: /home/warlchee/public_html/albums/Warlund-Previews/bat1_002.jpg
util.php::153 -> Executing: '/home/warlchee/public_html/netpbm/jpegtopnm' '/home/warlchee/public_html/albums/Warlund-Previews/bat1_002.jpg' | '/home/warlchee/public_html/netpbm/pnmscale' -xysize 150 150 | '/home/warlchee/public_html/netpbm/pnmtojpeg' --quality=50 > '/home/warlchee/public_html/albums/Warlund-Previews/bat1_002.thumb.jpg'
Im using gallery 1.5.2-pl2
I cant find anything on thsi error.
UPDATED: It allowed me to upload a different photo size. any ideas?
David Mitchell-
Posts: 32509
topic moved to g1 forums
Posts: 2258
What happens when you try to run jpegtopnm manually from the command line with those parameters on that iamge?
Posts: 9
Ive not done that. the program states that plugin is an option.
David Mitchell-
Posts: 2258
Please try to run jpegtopnm manually from the command line with thos paramaters on that image and post the results.
Posts: 9
doing that now, thank you
David Mitchell-