switched from G1 to G2 -> confused by the new design


Joined: 2006-02-04
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2006-02-04 16:01


Today I switched from Gallery 1 to Gallery 2 and I must say that I am totally confused and a bit shocked by the new design.
I bet these comments and questions have already been posted but I couldn't find anything related.
So here are my questions:

-How can I set different picture orders on the mainpage and in the albums. Using Gallery 1 I had all pictures/albums below each other on the mainpage. And in the albums the pictures were put in a table with a specific number of rows and columns.
I couldn't find a way to do this with Gallery 2.

-Is there a way to disable the counter that counts the times a picture is viewed?

All in all I miss all the nifty options on the setup pages in Gallery 1. Have I missed a special configuration page or an option for advanced users?



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2006-02-04 16:48

topic moved to support -> general discussion and feedback.

to your feedback:
yes, G2 is very different. while g1 has a very "personal website" look, G2 looks *by default* very clean.
the good thing about g2: you can change the look of it much more than it was possible with G1. g1 skins all look very similar, G2 themes can really change the whole look and feel.


to your questions:
global settings are in "site admin" -> themes
per album settings are in: browse to an album, click "edit album" -> album and "edit album" -> theme.

there's no option to hide the view count. but you can remove it by editing themes/matrix/templates/ album.tpl and photo.tpl . it should be quite intuitive.

also see: