Gallery Widget?


Joined: 2003-04-29
Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 2006-02-04 15:34

Anyone know of a widget that would show images via gallery? Maybe something that would use the rss feed?

They have widgets for flickr, just wondering if there is something similar for gallery.


ckdake's picture

Joined: 2004-02-18
Posts: 2258
Posted: Sat, 2006-02-04 17:02

Gallery 2 has the image block which can show any number of recent/new/random/update/etc albums/images


Joined: 2003-04-29
Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 2006-02-04 21:59

What about for gallery 1.x?

ckdake's picture

Joined: 2004-02-18
Posts: 2258
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-06 15:54

Gallery 1 also has an image block, but I don't know if there was an RSS feed or anything.