Just yesterday I came across Gallery and have started using it as a way for members in our club to post club-related pictures for the public.
Many of our pictures have red-eye in them, and I'm looking for a simple, easy way to get rid of the red-eye. I was really hoping I could use a unix program to automate the task -- so perhaps I could add another menu option below a picture to reduce red-eye, a filter would be run on the original image, and the thumbnail and reduced pic size pics redone.
Baring that, does anyone know of a very simple windows program that could do it quickly on a large scale of pictures.
I really don't want to have to open each pic in a program like photoshop, apply a filter, resave, blah blah blah...
I'm planing to deal with hundreds of pictures a week, and really want to make it as easy as possible so I can have non-technical members do picture posting.
Thanks for any suggestions.
<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.truegentlemensclub.org/gallery/Feb_1st/Lighthouse_and_Pickle" TARGET="_blank">Simple Red-Eye Sample</A><!-- BBCode End -->
Posts: 8194
I don't know of any such program that can do this automatically, but if you find one, someone may help you create a patch...
Posts: 31
<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.pictos.com/pressroom/news_files/04182002.html" TARGET="_blank">Red Eye Detection Library</A><!-- BBCode End -->
I bet this company would love for such a wide-spread gallery to implement the interface to their library... would be some good publicity for them.