Thank you Thank you Thank you


Joined: 2006-01-10
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-10 12:28

I've been struggling for a while to come up with a decent photo gallery system, but my previous attempts took me around an hour to upload each album (manual html coding).
Thanks to Gallery2, it takes me around 30 seconds per album now.

It's got so many features that I'll probably never get chance (nor really need) to use them all, but so far it's got everything I need. I'm so happy with it I've actually donated some cash. It's not often I do that!

So thanks to everyone who's contributed to Gallery2 - your work is very much appreciated.


Joined: 2005-02-25
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-14 14:40
