

Joined: 2006-01-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 19:54

I've looked all over, I've tried searching, but I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for.

I'm very new to Gallery, I'm trying to set up Gallery 2, for the most part it's working wonderfully. Here's my question:

Under the features when I first started looking at Gallery I read this:
" Use a form to upload up to 10 photos at each time with and optional file containing descriptions."

With a screenshot

Showing this in action. I have literally 1,000's of pictures I would like to upload, but I am not finding any information about this form you can upload with all the description information for the photos. I've been using "Edit Captions" on my test photos, but I can only edit 9 at a time, and it's a little bit of a pain in the rear.

Is there some way of uploading a spreadsheet like document with all the file names with corresponding descriptions? When I read the feature quoted above, that's what I kind of assumed it was, some sort of delimited file you uploaded. I'm hoping I didn't totally misread that.

Any advice (in laymen/laywoman terms) would be greatly appreciated! :-)


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 21:08

the screenshot is showing Gallery 1.x and not Gallery 2.x.

g1 has a csv metadata upload feature, g2 not. in g2, i'd add your 1000 images with gallery remote or add items -> from server with a few clicks, and then annotate with edit captions.


Joined: 2006-01-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2006-01-06 21:14

I was hoping there would be a different option than using "edit captions". I've been doing that for a while and I'm on page 9 out of 28...

Isn't there some way of pasting the info into a MySQL table or something? It would be so neat if you could just upload a delimited list that had the file name, then the info you wanted to associate with it.

I have no idea in the world how this would be done, but I am a php & MySQL novice, I'm sure there is some brilliant programmer out there that could think of something!

Can't blame a gal for asking :-)