Just upgraded to Subj.
I have translated almost everething using newly created *.pot but some text wan't to translate.
For example:
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The same thing is using de_DE, pl_PL, ru_RU, uk_UA locales.
I added all this msgid, translated it and compiled *.mo with no errors.
But, my own testing script (sipmle, from php.net gettext manual) is working well. gallery - not. Why? 
Posts: 6818
Can you send me your updated translation file ?
I will have a look at it.
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.
Posts: 33
The same thing with other wide-used locales (de_DE, ru_RU.cp1251).
Posts: 33
Still the same.
Posts: 6818
I dont remember any files arrived here.
The language code in 1.5.2 is fine and was not change till 1.5.2-RC1
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.
Posts: 33
I'm sorry.
I thought, I uploaded it (but just cant see).
Posts: 6818
Where is the 3rd file ?
_common.po ?
Gallery 1.5.2 has now 3 translation files.
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.
Posts: 33
Please, excuse me.
It's my stupid fail.
Posts: 144
Good news - Tim_j figured this out in a newer thread http://gallery.menalto.com/node/45703. view_album.php needs a fix. (Perhaps albums.php, too - I did not have to change albums.php.)
Posts: 6818
Yuan: My solution in the other thread is NOT related to this thread.
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.