Hey all!
I'm a developer of a 100% competing project, Camera Life, and am looking to understand design considerations made in G2 to possibly adopt in my project. I began digging into the code, however, this did not help in answering some of the bigger questions.
In my case, I am starting to abstract some of the functionality in CL and support multiple backends for features I am also trying to update to OO design as I learn about OO PHP 
All modules in G2 seem to look alike, they all inherit directly from GalleryModule. How do you know if a certain functionality is included with the installed modules? Like how do you know if you have a module that will handle GD-like behavior if you don't have a ImageProcessing module that they all inherit from?
Are all 46 modules include'ed for every page load? How do you know what modules you need to load for a given task?
What is the benefit of having a database handler inherit from the same base class as a database abstraction class?
Is SQL abstracted as a "data access" layer before the database connection abstraction? Or a better question, does Gallery require something that understands a SQL-like language, or will it work fine with an XML backend?
Thanks for your consideration of these questions,
Will Entriken
Posts: 32509
Hi Will,
Rather than remodelling your application why not join the G2 project and add missing features from your project to G2 (e.g. logging, rollback or even extend it to full-fledged versioning)?
There's of course room enough for many PHP based web photo album applications - and there are a lot - but Gallery 2 would profit a lot from dedicated developer like you. As for your project, much work went into G2 and it still requires a lot of work to make it feature complete, refactor it etc. So if you have suggestions on how to improve the framework or some modules, you're welcome to actively contribute / help improve the framework.
module register what they offer during module installation/activation time and they offer callbacks etc.
gd, imagemagick, netpbm and other image tookit modules register during module activation time what mimetypes and what operations they can handle.
no, not all modules are included / loaded for each request.
1. the first filter is of course that only active modules are candidates to being included / loaded
2. since we know which modules provide what, only modules that are actually needed for a specific request loaded when they are needed
are you referring to MysqlDatabaseStorage.class which extends the DatabaseStorage.class ? you'll find a few things in MysqlDatabaseStorage.class that are specific to mysql, like the optimize statement, advanced / sql / non-standard sql syntax statements, etc.
our storage query language is basically SQL, with some small changes.
table / column names are class / member names instead. non standard SQL syntax is abstracted a little.
but it's more like SQL than anything else. it's too narrow to SQL to use it for XML.
we'll add a flat-file based SQL storage maybe later, maybe php's sqlight. but adding a non-SQL backend is not on our agenda, it's just not worth it.
keywords: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fdcl / Camera Life
Posts: 4
Versioning sounds like a cool idea, and yet so easy to do - thanks for the idea! As for the modules, let me summarize to make sure I understand:
* During a setup stage, or when modules are added / removed, a database table is set up to know which modules exist and what functionality they provide, using callbacks
* When the user calls a page, it first determines what functionality it needs; then it calls a setup function that examines which modules are enabled, any preferences the user has, and includes the modules
* The modules derive from base clases that prototype the functionality that is required
* The setup function instantiates these derived classes that were just included
* The user page uses this instantiation with its base class functions to perform the desired operation
Is this basically what is going on?
Posts: 32509
I take this as a no thanks
More or less. The details are not that important since every implementation of plugins/extensions/modules can be different.
And in the end, G2 is GPL, so nothing prevents you from copying some patterns / code into your own GPL application.
Posts: 4
Not a "no thanks" yet. I appreciate the help in this design consideration. I'd like to make my system more OO-aware. Ideally, I could pull some functionality out into modules. Assuming I create a similar module implementation, I am thinking it would be easy to port modules between the two systems. At that time, you could definitely expect me as a module contributor.
As far as logging support - that is a more intricate system to implement. However, the rollback feature, with checkpointing, can be done from a module.