RSS module is now in Gallery 2.1-RC1
Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 32 |
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Hi All, The RSS module is now available for testing. Latest version: Now standard in G2.1-RC1 and later. Codex reference: |
Posts: 46
Hi Grund,
when I generate it by direct accessing the URL gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ItemAdmin&g2_subView=rss.GenerateUrl&g2_itemId=7
the generated URL is as follows:
and I do get following messeage:
You do not have access to view the rss feed! Maybe you are not logged in?
Is there a special right needed?
Why it is not possible to access the module in modify album or modify motive?
I do wait for this kinda module for more syndication! Would be awesome to get it work once when you have a hint for me please let me know!!!
Posts: 565
Nice one;~)
Puzzled by the inclusion of 'photos' when I expected only 'albums'.
Does rsshelper.class check the 'use photos?' radio selector?
Is there something else I should have done?
----best wishes, Robert
[postedit to remove old link - Robert]
Posts: 32
@ hardtoneselector
Only the group alowed in the RSS admin module is able to see feeds.
@ icpix
The 'simplefeed' does a recursive from the point where the rss is linked.
This includes photo's (if Allow RSS feeds of photos inside an album is checked)
from all underlying albums (if Allow RSS feeds of subalbums of an album is checked)
At least that is what it is supposed to do....
After checking, I see that if you turn of 'Allow RSS feeds of photos inside an album' you still get the photo's.
Need to look into this.
Posts: 565
grund---- Every time my RSS reader (RSSOwl) makes an access to the RSS URL that your module uses I get this in my server's message log...
...whereas when I access the admin section of the site there is no such entry in the message log.
FWIW here is the area cited in the message log...
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 214
I run G2.0.2 and added RSS0.2 to my modules directory.
When I now click on modules in the G2 Admin I onle get these error messages. What's wrong there?
G2 runs normal, adding other modules (simple, ecard, puzzle) worked fine.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Warning: requireonce(/www/htdocs/techno/rhein-sieg-freizeit/modules/pnGallery2/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../modules/rss/ failed to open stream: Keine Berechtigung in /www/htdocs/techno/rhein-sieg-freizeit/modules/pnGallery2/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class on line 2505
Fatal error: requireonce(): Failed opening required '/www/htdocs/techno/rhein-sieg-freizeit/modules/pnGallery2/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../modules/rss/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:..') in /www/htdocs/techno/rhein-sieg-freizeit/modules/pnGallery2/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class on line 2505
Posts: 32
@ icpix ----- Can you give more info? Does the page display an error? Do you have a stacktrace?
@ technobilder ---- probably the file rights try CHMOD -R 755 * in the RSS directory
Posts: 1
I use URL Rewrite mod on my site. Has anyone tested to see if RSS feed can output clean URL's?
Posts: 565
I'm a photographer. I dive into a computer's mechanics only in a sorry attempt to try
and get what I want it to show... I've probably got a stacktrace, you hum it son and
I'll (try to) play it (with apologies to the PG Tips' chimps);~)
----best wishes, Robert
[postedit: to reduce the overwidth scroll, why do people let them get this wide;~/]
Posts: 565
What sort of detail and to what level?
site ~ server ~ workstation ~ network ~ browser
The RSS reader shows no specific error.
It's my server that is complaining (about the code?).
The whole error line and its area is shown above.
It occurs when the URL call is made to the server.
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 214
@ grund: Yeah - the permissions weren't 755 - now it works to install
... but ... how do I generate a RSS Feed now? Where's the documentation
Posts: 77
Incompatible module!
Core API Required: 1.0 (available: 6.8)
Module API Required: 0.8 (available: 2.0)
Whats that about?
Posts: 32
@ icpix : think we found it, currently restructuring the entire code. will be fixed in 0.2.1
@ technobilder : enable simple RSS in admin tool, grant group rights and of you go.
@ NBrady : Install the latest version (0.2 link in start thread).
Posts: 2
Hi Grund,
First off, thanks for writing this module! I did the following to install:
- downloaded the zip file
- extracted and uploaded to my gallery2 /modules/rss/
- enabled the RSS module in the modules admin page
- within the RSS settings gave "Everybody" rights to view RSS feeds, enabled simple RSS feeds, checked all the options under Allowed feeds
1. I get the RSS Feed option under Album and Photo options but can I provide an RSS feed for the entire Gallery (rather than individual Albums or Photos)?
2. I'm also trying to setup the Gallery RSS thumbnail generator for WordPress (, it wants a link to the gallery rss feed ($gallery_rss_url = "http://[yoursite]/gallery/rss.php";). Is it possible to get a clean URL like http://site/gallery/rss.php using your Gallery RSS module?
hopefully i'm making enough sense to be helped, thanks much in advance and Happy New Year! -alain.
Gallery version 2.0.2
PHP version 4.4.0 apache
Webserver Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) PHP/4.4.0
Posts: 18
0.2 works perfectly here and its much faster than the old one too (nearly 1 minute generation time for the old one when viewing the last 10 updates).
What wonders me is, that it seems like there arent any comments included (for sub-albums).
I've checked:
Allow RSS feeds of subalbums of an album
Allow RSS feeds of photos inside an album
Allow RSS feeds comments of a photo (this will only be possible if the Comments module is active)
Allow RSS feeds comments of an album (this will only be possible if the Comments module is active)
And my url is:
(Sub-albums of this album)
Any hints?
(example gallery is:
Posts: 8
I downloaded the module to the module directory however it is not showing up in the Modules link on the admin page. Any suggestions? My configuration is as follows:
Gallery version = 2.0.2 core
PHP version = 5.0.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora)
Database = mysql 4.1.16
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Ffmpeg, Dcraw, Thumbnail
Operating system = Linux wreck 2.6.14-1.1653_FC4 #1 Tue Dec 13 21:32:09 EST 2005 i686
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/416.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/416.13
Posts: 32
@ all,
New version 0.2.1 (do not use, use 0.2.2) (fixed download)
Call to a member function on a non-object in
/home/e-smith/files/ibays/ic/html/modules/core/ on line 148
More speed
Added support:
Module rewrite.
Entire Gallery feed (
@ E-Razor- Added the simple comments feed to the feature request list
@ hambleto CHMOD 755 * is your friend, see this forum.
Posts: 8
Thank you. The chmod 755 worked like a charm.
The link to the new version does not seem to be working as of right now.
Posts: 28
Nice module! I want an entire Gallery feed too, so I'd like to try 0.2.1, but as hambleto said, the link isn't working.
Posts: 565
(0.2.1) Simple mode is not active.
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 4
Wow - very nice. Thanks to everyone for all the work.
Request: When doing the Gallery feed (/rss), is there a way to include the gallery photo image and sub-albums information? Example, display the Gallery information and photo, and then list each album. In the RSS feed, display Items with XML Category = album, and no XML Category = photo.
Currently, when viewing the Gallery feed and with "Allow RSS feeds of photos inside an album" checked,
you get the Gallery photo, the albums infos, and the sub-album photos. If you uncheck "Allow RSS feeds of photos inside an album",
the Gallery photo is no longer displayed.
Posts: 565
I seem unable to properly control Simple mode. Also can't
see where to derive the necessary Simple mode URL to
insert into my root page's URL for use as an RSS feed.
[postedit: Doh! Found your RSS entries in URL Rewrite;~)]
Now, I am ALSO unable to activate the non-simple modes...;~/
It's getting somewhat muddled for me as cache keeps confusing
things ~ browser cache | G2 cache | the server's PHP cache...
You're now working with URL Rewrite... a few problems:
1) your image linkers point to G2's cache (behind G2's image firewall)
2) there is no provision to cope with URL Rewrite's anti-hotlinking
3) as per 2) image thumbnails must be called from across same web site
As a test I temporarily disabled URL Rewrite's anti-hotlinking feature and
yes my RSS reader (RSSOwl) was allowed to show the image thumbnails.
I notice that these issues also seem to appear on your own site.
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 32509
you can't easily overcome the hot-link protection.
G2.1 will allow an empty referer by default. so i hope that rss feeds / rss aggregators usually send an empty referer.
Posts: 565
Albeit the comment by valiant I have amended some of RSSOwl's preferences.
Now that reader is showing photo images/thumbnails. From what I can see they
are being called correctly via URL Rewrite and NOT via G2 cache. Not entirely
sure as this is the first time I've coded an RSS feed (WordPress does its
own pretty in auto).
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 32509
uh? that doesn't make sense / i don't think you know what you're talking about.
or what do you mean with "G2 cache"?
do you mean your browser cache? then the statement makes sense again
Posts: 565
--------------------------POST is now well out of sync;~/
My site is getting weird incomings ie following old links.
These links cannot be sustained so I have removed them.
The menalto site now puts the postedit as current live...
I am sorry valiant I did say above that I was confused.
And I disagree with you entirely, I KNOW that I don't know
about what I'm talking;~) My browser is doing the calling.
Pedantically it's me controlling the workstation's browser
doing the calling... but what I am trying to do is clarify
an odd and confusing situation.
This is what I mean about G2 cache...
[postedit: direct access is now disabled - Robert]
Whereas I believe it should've been externally called by...
http:invalid//mysite/structure \
...via URL Rewrite. That's what I'm talking about.
If you want or insist that it is called something
different then go right ahead and correct it. At
least it'll be something I talk about correctly;~_
The above is currently live and derived from...
...I've got the RSS stuff just doing albums (not photos)
and my reader is showing this issue above with its portrayal of albums.
Specific album thumbnails are being called by G2 cache (which properly fails)
Aggregated albums groups are being called by URL Rewrite (which properly works)
best wishes, Robert
[postedit: to deactivate old unavailable links - Robert]
--------------------------POST is now well out of sync;~/
My site is getting weird incomings ie following old links.
These links cannot be sustained so I have removed them.
The menalto site now puts the postedit as current live...
[postedit: URL removal]
Posts: 565
One workaround might be to stick to the 0.91 RSS option.
That one doesn't seem to use or allow images and so the
issue doesn't present itself like it's doing with 2.0 RSS.
A bit Luddite though;~/
Posts: 32509
if you see a picture, it comes from your browser data cache. if you don't see a picture, you run into g2's hotlink protection.
this is a link to a HTML page (core.ShowItem) whereas the above URL is a link to an image, a core.DownloadItem url.
in rss, you usually have links to the html page and optionally an url to an image too and some rss readers can show the image accompaning the item link / description.
so the html core.showitem link is not a replacement for the image core.ShowItem link, they both should be part of the rss feed.
Posts: 565
valiant---- I think you seem to be in agreement with my original premise that grund
has not (yet?) written code that copes with URL Rewrite/hotlinking, specifically to cope
with RSS readers (that do show the image accompanying the item link / description).
grund---- My take is that it might be the following area where things go awry...
I tried amending...
$description = '<a href="' . $url .'"><img src="' . $imageurl.
$description = '<a href="' . $url .'"><img src="' . $url. stop the RSS generated URL using the link from what valiant describes
as the browser data cache. However it doesn't result in a picture source
that results in the showing of the article accompanying image.
grund--- Is this the likely area and would you be able to devise a workaround?
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 2
Hi grund,
Upon activating 0.2.1, I receive the below error:
Notice: Undefined index: simplefeed in C:\Gallery2\gallery2\modules\rss\ on line 108
Any thoughts?
Posts: 565
I don't think I am going to be able to bodge this one;~/
If I allow hotlinking in URL Rewrite (in order to get the
accompanying album thumbnail images to the RSS feed items)
then Googlebot-Image restarts indexing what are known as
browser cache directory entries of G2... In fact they've
put shedloads of indexing attempts in the log already...
...etc. I'm sure you get the picture... more than Googlebot-Image did;~/
It's probably chasing up all the linkers it found in the slideshow HTMLs.
Seems like it's going to be mutually exclusive for the moment.
I'm regressing from spec 2.0 RSS stuff back to 0.91 RSS stuff.
Pictures are not included so there's no dead image placemarkers.
If it's good enough for the Beeb then 0.91 should be OK for me!
I'm disappointed that G2 couldn't otherwise manage to display any
album thumbnail images of my picture library in its own Gallery
RSS feeds without me having to disable its unique(?) image firewall;~/
----best wishes, Robert
[postedit: to remove URL]
Posts: 32509
yes, it's a hotlink problem.
no, grund can't do anything about it. just don't use the block hotlink option of g2.
if rss readers send an empty referer, this won't be a problem with G 2.1.
image firewall is not the same as the hotlink protection.
image firewall has to do with permissions.
the hotlink protection is based on the referer and each user can disable the referer in his browser anyway. hotlink protection of any application is insecure anyway.
Posts: 565
Been obliged to adopt g2 block hotlink option because Googlebot-Image keeps indexing
all the embedded (browser cache) linkers in each/every slideshow.html page here.
My RSSOwl reader sends an empty referer, hope those that others use do the same.
Will wait until G2.1 for resolution.
Meanwhile have adopted 0.91 RSS and bodged in the 'pubDate' for sorting purposes.
Thank you for helping out and for your time in clarifying things;~)
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 32
@ zj4x4 oops, thanks for pointing that out, forgot to add that entry in the DB upon install.
You can download the update version (0.2.2) and upgrade it will fix this problem.
Posts: 565
(0.2.2) all sorts of trouble...
Was unable to 'upgrade' at all, it just gave a G2 error.
Couldn't uninstall, so overwrote it with 0.2.0 and uninstalled that.
Then loaded 0.2.2 but there are problems.
The simplefeed option selects but does not save.
The non-simplefeed stuff seems to be in operation but where?
Overall RSS is broken;~/
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 32
It seems I must learn to test properly :S
Anyway, updated the package. Hope that it is the last bug.....
Posts: 565
(0.2.2 reloaded) Not broken;~)
Except I still cannot seem to find where or how to do the
user interaction stuff. I 'saw' it in your very first module
but have not seen it appear since! Probably it won't be useful
here as it is a single user site (me) but I thought I'd better
mention it in case it is a problem for others.
Until G2.1 arrives I will defer attempting to show the album
thumbnails in the feed. So I have reverted to 0.91 RSS in the
interim. However this spec is bare of features and one that
I specifically need is date sorting. Looking at how you did
the 2.0 RSS I bodged the 'pubDate' parameter into 0.91 RSS.
If this functionality does not break the 0.91 RSS spec will you
please accept my bodge as a Feature Request? The detail
appears in a posting further above.
----best wishes, Robert
[postedit: URL removal]
Posts: 32
@ icpix
pubDate of image,item or textinput isn't within the RSS 0.91 specs. (sorry) (RSS 0.91 specs)
As for the user interaction stuf.
If you uncheck the 'Allow only simple RSS feeds...'
The Rss button will change from 'RSS Feed' to 'Configure RSS Feed'
This will of course only be on sites where you have buttons.....
I will put my site into that mode so you can see it (
RSS version installed = 0.2.2
Posts: 565
!? I followed your RSS 0.91 specs linker but I could see pubDate written
down in several places. Is the document about what must *not* appear?
Ah, you've noticed I don't have an RSS button! Thank you, yes I recognise
your configure stuff now on your site, it was that that I saw on your very
first module and that I haven't been able to 'find' since. Will try things
in the default Matrix theme (which will give me a sidebar column hook).
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 565
Interesting. I see what happens now. Without a sidebar on my site
the 'button' was not able to appear. My site is somewhat minimalistic
(ie less is better). I tried some Generate URL actions and shoehorned
the result into my (only) text link. It all worked the same way as
for your simplefeed method. Please normalise your own site. I don't
intend for people to configure their own options so consider me as
a good beta tester only for your module's simplefeed mode;~)
I wanted your RSS module up and running to provide viewers with
an audit trail or a What's New feed - particularly for albums as the
sheer volume of pictures would not be appropriate for any sort of
feed. I have yet to be persuaded on the apparent benefits of external
feed aggregators and so intended to provide this RSS feed to my site's
committed or specifically interested viewers. So if my apparently
unofficial 0.91 RSS mod (pubDate) throws commercial aggregators then
so be it. I need the sorting and audit trail running for my own RSS
reader at least until G2.1 arrives and when I hope to upgrade the module
to 2.0 RSS spec (with pubDate & anti-hotlink compliant album thumbnails)
Well done grund, nice work;~)
----best wishes, Robert
Posts: 65
Hello - i'm using the 0.91 option with simple feed. I'd like to be able to point my friends to my general RSS feed so that they get alerted automatically for new ablums, photos or comments.
I have tried to point my RSS reader to the following URL: which is the one used when you select the RSS option from the home page of my gallery.
However it does not work. Error from the RSS feed is 'No Link found'.
What am i doing wrong?
Posts: 1479
Your Gallery is closed to guests, so the feed aggregator, which is not logged in, can't see your gallery...
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 65
OK - i thought about that but my feed reader (intravnews) allows me to set the feed as a secure one and to specify credentials (login/password) for it. Should that not work?
For some of the URL created by this module i do get the 'no link found' error (photos and subalbums) but for comments i get the 'secure feed - provide credentials' error. If I provide login/password i still get the same error. Hope it makes sense. Is tehre anything that can be done to make it work?
Posts: 1479
Your feed reader can provide HTTP Simple Auth credentials. In the case of G2, the user is authenticated at the application level, so the auth credentials are not passed along. What we should do is implement a form of authentication checking in the Rss module. We'll try to add it soon, but I can't promise anything yet.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 13
Thank you so much for writing this module!!!
I have noticed that google desktop's image RSS reader is unable to read the feed. When I compare the
XML to other providers that work such as, there are
a few key differences.
is absent from the "item" node.
While I haven't modified the source (yet) to try this, I suspect it may fix the
feed for google desktop's image RSS reader.
Posts: 1479
We're using a validator for our Rss feed, but even with all the attention recently, Rss is not very mature, so I don't think the validator is much use. We'd very much like your help in finding out what may be causing the problem with Google's aggregator. You can look in classes/RssGenerator.class
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 6
Hey there! Glad there's an RSS module available for G2. The URLs, however, are very, very long. I'm trying to syndicate the feeds from my gallery using the aggregator2 module in Drupal, but the RSS urls are too long to fit in the field! Is there any way to generate a shorter URL, or can some sort of alias be set up?
"Being tired is like playing mind games with some of the pieces missing."
- Canadrian
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Posts: 65
Thanks Paour for the clarifications on the RSS authentication functionality.
Posts: 1479
Canadrian: we'll take the parameters out of the URL soon (and store them in the DB). In the meantime, you can use the Simple Feed option, which has only one parameter (but can only give you the list of pics inside and album.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 13
It seems that Google Desktop's image RSS reader is also sensitive to the length of the URL.
Actually it seems to be very picky in general, but a long URL will prevent it from trying.
Posts: 1479
Picky is good, it gives us a nice platform to validate against.
Gallery Remote developer