iView to Gallery 2


Joined: 2005-12-20
Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 2005-12-20 08:41

I am curious as to what solutions folks are using to go from iView to Gallery 2. I am using a Mac.

espaan's picture

Joined: 2004-08-06
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-12-21 10:24


there is no integrated solution as far as I know. I would like to convert iPhotoToGallery into iViewToGallery. The maker of iphototogallery told me that he will release the source code soon, but this is already several weeks ago.

I'm now just exporting from iView to a folder (convert images) and upload the photos via Gallery Remote.


Joined: 2005-11-04
Posts: 1642
Posted: Wed, 2005-12-21 18:00

IView Mac user here too. I pretty much do the same as espaan. A manual pic by pic job

Gallery Version: 2.0.2
Gallery Theme: PGTheme (RC07)
Web Site: http://dakanji.com

Harold Dupain

Joined: 2006-01-26
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-26 10:42

I was a IView mac user before too, but stepped away from it.
Coz it was too much work for a coupe
like ooglaseren issue and the cartridges.


pete helme

Joined: 2006-02-09
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-02-09 21:44

any other Mac users out there having problems rotating before uploading with Gallery Remote? jpegtran works fine on its own for me, but for some reason the integration with Gallery Remote refuses to work. I think GR isn't correctly copying over the tmp file to the /tmp/thumbs-xx directory before trying to rotate, but I don't know for sure.

macphoto's picture

Joined: 2004-06-08
Posts: 97
Posted: Sun, 2006-07-30 15:26

I've used iView very heavily on Mac for the past three or more years. I really don't see a need to integrate it with gallery though. Since I've upgraded to Adobe CS2 creative suite; I've been using Adobe Bridge— which is also a very good tool.

I use iView to rotate and down size original images for web use. It's great for down sizing images quickly. Go to iView Media Pro's menu, select "Make", scroll down to "convert image files". I set my size perimeters for web at "600 Horizontal X 600 Vertical @ 72 dpi " This will maintain consistent image size for both horizontal and vertical viewing. iView rotates the copied files on the fly! Lastly, I ZIP and upload to my server using Gallery! This is a very fast and easy process. I highly recommend it! Galleries technic for uploading batch images that are enclosed within ZIP files is what makes Gallery really worth while for me.