I looked for this in the forums but couldnt find an answer.
When a default album is created for a user, they can get in and rename the album title and directory, meaning if they take someone elses name it wont let them create an album.
In this file
look for the following, and add these lines.
$ret = GalleryCoreApi::addGroupPermission($albumId, $core['id.adminGroup'], 'core.all');
if ($ret->isError()) {
return $ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$ret = GalleryCoreApi::addUserPermission($albumId, $user->getId(), 'core.all');
$ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeUserPermission($albumId, $user->getId(), 'core.edit');
$ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeUserPermission($albumId, $user->getId(), 'core.delete');
$ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeUserPermission($albumId, $user->getId(), 'core.changePermissions');
if ($ret->isError()) {
return $ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__);
Posts: 32509
good catch
i guess we handle this already alright.
- renaming of useralbums should be allowed, in general. don't you think? and we don't have a permission to deny changing the name only yet.
- we map username <-> useralbum not by the name of the album, but by the albumId of the useralbum. that's good.
- when renaming, we can deny renaming to another username, sure. but we don't know the names of the users that don't have registered yet.
so if a user registers, his name might already be taken. but that might happen anyway, since you're free as admin to create albums with any album name.
e.g. if you choose the root album as parent for all user albums and you create an album with the name "terminator" and if later a user registers with that name, we won't be able to create a useralbum with the exact same name anyway.
so that can happen anyway
(unless you choose a dedicated album as the parent for all useralbums and restrict yourself to not create other albums in this parent of all useralbums and if you don't allow changing useralbums).
and we handle it ok right now.
if user john renames his useralbum to anna.
and if then user anna registers, we create a useralbum with the title anna, but with the name anna_001.
it isn't 100% satisfactory if you can confuse other users by changing the title / name of the useralbum, but it's alright.
if you have less restrictive suggestions, i'm all ears. but it should always be just an option.
@your 3 lines:
good idea to just remove what you don't want to grant.
note: you should check $ret after each of the 4 lines, not just the last one.
Posts: 5
I should have pointed out I used phpnuke as well.
So my unique registered users on phpnuke get an album when they click on your album button.
These albums are in a sub album, that I or anyone else shouldnt be creating albums in (only I have permissions)
My albums for site photos will be off the root, not the User Albums sub album.
now how to hide empty albums ....
Posts: 32509
what have empty (user) albums to do with this issue?
feel free to file a feature request, but be precise on what should be done.
http://sf.net/projects/gallery/ -> RFE
Posts: 5
I was mearly commenting on the next thing I needed to fix .... fixed it and created a new thread for people who wanted to know how to remove empty albums .... Is there a problem with that?
Anyway, back to this issue.
This issue works to stop users from editing there directory and title, but then they cant upload images .... Will post a fix once I work it out.
Posts: 5
This fixes the problem of not being able to add items after you remove the edit album permissions
Posts: 12
I want to disable also "add new album".
Can someone tell me the right "keyword" (core.??????) fro this permission?
Posts: 12
O.k.... The following Code seems to deactivate the "Add album" function
But still two unwanted functions are left and i can't find the right keywords to deacicate them:
- Album delete
- Album move
Could someone give me a hint ?