I'm wondering where new translations should really go now. Sourceforge? Personal contact for every language? I worked on the german translation and I found confusing instructions all over the page ...
Sourceforge is mentionen in the tutorial, but that place does not look very "alive & busy" 
I hope to get an answer soon because I want to see my tweaks in CVS asap 
keep on being great,
Posts: 6818
Hello Slomo,
how do you know whats "alive" and whats "busy" ?
The gallery team is always busy with gallery..
And you already committed your updated translation into the SF tracker.
Even if you use a smiley _i_ dont like this way trying to put pressure on the team.
Everything done on gallery is done in our spare free time.
So we will put your changes as soon as possible into cvs.
Please dont consider this as a kind of attack.
Best Regards,
Last Gallery v1 developer and V1 translation manager.
Posts: 23
Yes, your right and I'm sorry for the "Tonfall". I also fear you are even used to similar behaviour by people like me thinking they did a brilliant contribution while just correcting some typo in any language file. I followed the gallery development for years and I'm deeply impressed by the quality and quantity of this project.
But I also was really unsure about the current procedure for updated or new language files. I assume you are the "head of german translation" ... is this (still) right? If it's ok I would love to ask you some questions. Maybee I could help - without putting pressure on anyone.
I hope you don't have to blame my smileys again, cause they are unblamable and really _not_ in good fun ...
love & respect,
Posts: 6818
Its okay
Just ask, if its not love related ;-)
But I am not the head of g2 german translation.
Jens :wink:
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager. :-|
Posts: 23
where is this wrapping coming from? Is it just an XEmacs convention or are there any strict rules? Long sentences are always wrapped and I can just guess what the desired character-lengt is ...
Next: for some words it would be great to choose just one translation and then follow this decision. E.g. "themes" in the german translation are sometimes called "Motiv", then "Thema" and more...
Hm ... I think I'm still looking for the "head of german translation headquarter" and best move would be to subscribe to the translation mailing list ... but maybe you can give me a hint for the beginning ...