hello there
im new here 
iv used gallery 1.4 before and liked it
now this new gallery2 looks great even XHTML compilant thats really great!
my question is
is there a similar theme to the google-map theme/plugin/module...
but without the functionality of google-map
im searching for a theme that has a slider bar with all the thumbnails where u can select them and where the seleceted image will be shown but still showing the slider bar with all the thumnails...
it would be nice if the automatic horizontal scrolling would also be posible..
i know there is the default gallery2 slider theme but i rather like it the way its in the google-map theme
im sorry if anybody else allready asked the same question i dident find it yet...
thx and
Posts: 16504
Other than that slider theme, I don't know of another one. Maybe the Hybrid theme, I can't remember what it has if it has a slider or not. You could take that google map theme and clone it http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Gallery2:Themes#Cloning_a_theme to make your own theme without the google map stuff.
The Codex (Documentation link in upper-right corner) has some decent, though lacking, documentation on themes, see the link I provided, the Tpl Reference, the HowTos and even example of themes in the User Contribution section. Also check out the G2 Customization Guide sticky topic in the Theme Development forum.
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