Configure help, might be basic to you all but it isnt for me. help me please!


Joined: 2005-11-20
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2005-11-20 11:57

Im using Joomla on my website and installed Gallery2 as a component. However, im new to php and setting things up confuse me, as I'm used to html not php.

Anyways my problem being is this. The configuration page.
Full Path to Gallery G2: <--- is this for example /wwwroot/components/com_gallery2/ ??

Relative path to Gallery G2: <--- /com_gallery2/ ?
Path to Mambo: <--- since im using Joomla and its in the wwwroot folder without being in its own joomla folder would it be /wwwroot/ ?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-11-20 13:56

full path to gallery2:
it should start with the root of the filesystem. in config.php of g2, you see a storage path. it points to your g2data. use the same path, but at the end, it should point to gallery2/ or whatever name you chose for your g2 folder. and it should not point to com_gallery2, it should point to the G2 installation, it has nothing to do with mambo.

relative path:
no, this should rather be something like ../gallery2/ , for some examples, see docs/EMBEDDING in your g2 folder

path to mambo:
i guess in your case it's just '/' without the quotes.