Add Items Help - Lockups, duplicates, check boxes... Am I doing something wrong?

Joined: 2005-11-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2005-11-19 00:25

I'm not much of a developer and I am new to G2 so perhaps you are all aware of these things...

Add Items to an Album from the Local Server is a great feature but...
a. Checkboxes should be automatically checked based on whether the file name already exists in the database or not. Once I tell it to find the files it will load the page showing the thousands of files but when I tell it to check all the page just seems to hang... at least with this many files the browser just sat there for over 40 minutes doing what appeared to be nothing and then they all showed as checked.

b. It times out on the add. I have a couple of folders on my server that have over 6000 images in each of them and not all of the images get loaded into the album. It is pretty easy for me to determine where it finally timed out but because of the way the check boxes work it is very time consuming to then have to go back and check each of the line items that still need to be added.

c. Users upload images to the folders (via FTP) but when the image is added it will add a second or third or fourth time depending on how many times we do the Add Items...

Suggestion to help with the problems above...does anyone know how I might accomplish this????

When you click on the "Find Files" button on the From Local Server tab of Add Items have it build the page by checking to see if the filename is already in the database. If it is not in the database already and is a valid type, automatically select the check box. If it is in the database already or is not a valid type then don't check the box. The user would still have the option to check the individual boxes if they wanted to before they clicked on the Add Files button.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2005-11-19 18:50

@C, there is a duplicate item detection module in the works. I don't know the status of it. But currently if you add "image1.jpg" and later add the same image or a different image with the same filename G2 adds it and changes the filename to something like "image1_001.jpg"

@B, the time out issue could be a PHP setting. Either load few images at a time or search the forums as that's been asked and answered dozens of times.

@A, sounds like a feature enhancment. Either post about that here: and/or file a feature request here: click on RFE in a few hours it will automatically be added here: where you can vote for the feature. Or code the enhancment yourself, you could get the guiding hands to do that modification here: or possibly in this forum. Either way, a new topic should be started targeted to that subject.
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