failed error nuke6.0/gallery1.3.3


Joined: 2002-11-14
Posts: 26
Posted: Tue, 2003-02-11 17:29

I'm using phpnuke6.0 with gallery 1.3.3 and I have read t hrough the posts and checked the faq section but I can not seem to get the random block to work. I'm using bharat's hack. the error message I get is this:

Fatal error: Failed opening required '/var/www/html/nuke/html/modules/gallery/init.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /home/virtual/site100/fst/var/www/html/nuke/html/modules/gallery/block-random.php on line 42

I've checked line 42 and it says this on line 42:

require($GALLERY_BASEDIR . "init.php");

also in the instructions for installing the random block to do this:

In your session.php file (located in the gallery directory), make sure to change $HTTP_SESSION_VARS to $_SESSION (there are two instances of this).

I've looked and looked in my session.php file and can not find the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS part of the code. I even used the search feature on my editor and no go. Would be helpful if I knew exactly where or which line of code this applies to.

does anyone have any suggestions because I really want to get this working.

Thanks in advance.


AmonRa's picture

Joined: 2003-02-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2003-02-12 10:04

Where is your block-random.php located ?


Joined: 2002-11-14
Posts: 26
Posted: Thu, 2003-02-20 01:36

ok I got past that part. I don't remember now what I did but now it displays an image in the block with no problems but when you click on the image it doesn't grab the url correctly and so I get a page can not be displayed error.