Sorry if this has already been covered but 'search' came up with a blank!
Have I missed something or failed to install a vital module ....
I need to build an Album based on selected photos within our Gallery Albums for a Slideshow.
Is it possible at present to do this? I dont see this option anywhere.
I think I need a 'Copy' action rather than a 'Move' don't I?
Network Manager
Posts: 32509
browse to the image, click "create link" which is almost like a copy.
Posts: 3
Just what I needed. So obvious really ...
Many thanks!
Posts: 1
But what if I want to actually copy the file?(I want the original in one album, but then want to edit it in another album?)
Posts: 3236
A "link" item does *not* share meta-data, so for all purposes it *is* a copy. You just save a little bit of space because the original *image* itself is not duplicated. If you want to change the details, add a watermark, change the thumb / resize sizes, you can. Just the *original* image itself is not copied.
In G2.2 there will be a "replicate" item, which *does* keep the meta-data in sync. It is currently in SVN if you would like to test it.
So breifly, what you want works fine.
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