Gallery print service


Joined: 2004-06-14
Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-10 10:53


please, tell me in details what exactly should I do and what is the process if I would like to start making new module connected with photo printing (the alternativu to Shutterfl or others?)

What to read?
Whom to contact?
What is the role of the G2 team and the printing service programmers team?

Thanks you.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-10 14:22

role of the printing service:
during the development:
should get in touch with the g2 team to discuss their rates / offer and how orders will be received.
should help developing the module (cart module plugin) or work together with another user / developer who is willing to develop the module.
should be aware of copyright / legal issues when printing digital images for users.

after the development:
receives orders directly from G2 installations, not from us.
prints and ships the photos to the end users.

role of the gallery project team:
during the development:
discusses the terms, possible issues etc. with the printing service.
assists / guides the developer in creating the necessary module (and with developer a non-gallery project team developer is meant).
reviews the resulting module for coding guidelines etc.

after the development:
receives a small percentage of the profit from the printing service for each photo order.

who to contact?

role of the developer:
develops the cart plugin module based on a copy of the shutterfly module to meet the specs of the new printing service.

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-10 21:44
valiant wrote:
develops the cart plugin module based on a copy of the shutterfly module to meet the specs of the new printing service

copy photoaccess module if the new print service supports server-to-server interaction that passes back a sessionid which G2 can embed in a redirect url to send back to the browser.
copy shutterfly module if the new print service only supports browser-to-server interaction (in shutterfly's case because cookies are required).