It worked!! Picasa and Gallery!
Joined: 2002-11-20
Posts: 4 |
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Pardon me if this seems like a useless post but... I Can't believe it but I actually got the Picasa and Gallery 2 to work together. This has been about a two week process but I finally was able to import a Picasa album into Gallery! I just could not contain my excitement. I tried telling my wife but she didn't quite understand, "You mean the thing you have been working on every night until 1:00 AM?" "Yes, honey, that's the one." I thought maybe someone here may appreciate it a little more. Thank you to the entire team that has been working dillegently on this and for your help and patience on the board. (not customized at all...that's the next 1:00 AM project) |
Posts: 1
So how did you do it? I've been looking for an alternative to upload files to my gallery (something that the wife can use easily).
Posts: 4
unfortuately it is still not incredibly simple. Like, my wife won't be doing it any time soon.
I downloaded the picasa module/plug-in using CVS from CVS:gallery-contrib (must have shell line access) This was actually the hardest part, figuring out how to download the plugin. Use the instructions for downloading gallery but just substitue CVS:gallery-contrib for CVS:gallery and then when you are "checking out" the module name is picasa not gallery 2. (Maybe I'll write some better instructions) After you have installed and activated it in the admin panel you have two ways to upload files/albums
1)users can use the add items selection and then browse to a zip file containing the picasa*.xml and all the pictures ( have to teach your wife to a)export albums from picasa and b)zip the album (BTW if any real gallery experts are reading, this one didn't work for me...?)
2)admin can add albums from a "picasa" link that will be displayed on the site admin side panel (down where the gallery 1 link is). This one seems pretty easy except that the album (again containing the xml file) has to be local so your wife would have to upload the entire exported album to the website using FTP and into a folder that you've granted access to.
I'm not a gallery expert by any means AT ALL and had to kind of figure some of this out on my own and if any real gallery expert has any other advice feel free to correct any of the above...
It is real handy to add a bunch of pictures really quickly. Like I accidently deleted an album during migration from 1 to 2 so I will be albe to quickly a)add the deleted pictures to picasa from the backup zip b)export that to a folder c)upload that using FTP d)add those pictures via the site admin panel (see above) and *bingo* my album will be back.
The best thing for your wife would probably be to teach her how to add pictures via the "Publish to website" from Windows XP. I've used that one before, I think that one is wife proof
Hope this post helps a little (and doesn't make anybody mad, I'm just joking about the wife thing...I'm sure there are plenty of husbands out there just as clueless)
Posts: 18
Hi guys,
we should have the Picasa Plugin in Gallery 2.1. It's almost done, we need to merge the patch and commit the code. I will give further updates as soon as it is done. But I'm happy that the module works for some of you
For the impatient that don't know how to use CVS: You can download a package at however you will NEED TO PATCH THE CORE, for it to work (especially on Linux platforms). So if you are not sure about this, it's better to wait another month or two for G2.1. I do not want to be held responsible for things going wrong with this, so before even thinking about applying this on a live webpage, please make sure you test it in a testing environment!
The problem that it's not "incredibly simple" (though I don't think it's very hard, but I understand what you mean, ptocknell) results from Picasa not providing an SDK/API for us. The XML Export is the easiest we can do, until we get some kind of plugin possibility in Picasa.
If you spot any bugs, please tell me! There are certainly still bugs in the code.
Posts: 4
ping. Any update on this plug-in?
Posts: 18
Yup, the plugin is in the CVS (BRANCH_API_DEV) now and I would be very grateful if people could test it.
Posts: 16
The Picasa plugin appeared in the CVS update I did yesterday but I haven't quite figured it out.
Using "add items" from a particular album gives me the option to add items from Picasa. Using the advice of the earlier poster I exported some pictures from Picasa, zipped the exported folder and browsed to the zipped folder to upload but I got internal server error 500 everytime I tried. The earlier poster mentioned he could not get this to work, either.
When I choose the import picasa 2 option from the admin panel I understand that I need to upload a picasa file to my server but it appears to want an xml file and I don't see how to do that. I can "export" from picasa but that only gives me a folder of jpg's. I can't find any instructions on how to make an xml file.
I'm using g2 updated via cvs yesterday.
Posts: 18
Well, doing an XML Export is of course necessary to get it imported. The Server Error still shouldn't appear of course, I'll look into that. What you need to do is to Export your Items to a webpage (from picasa) and then choosing XML as the Export Type. After that you should have a folder containing the pictures and an xml file. This folder can directly be imported via Site Admin or zipped (with the xml file being in the root) and imported via the User Interface.
Posts: 16
ok - thanks about the info on doing the xml export - I didn't realize it meant to do it through exporting as web page. That worked and I was able to upload the exported folder and add it directly through the admin page.
I tried zipping the exported xml folder and adding through the interface but still got the server error.
I wonder if there's a setting I missed in configuration that would allow this kind of import.
Thanks for your work on this plugin - it will be very helpful!
Posts: 11
Is this even out yet?
Posts: 23
I know this thread is old, but I am having trouble with importing the xml album into gallery. I have it on the server, and I am putting in the right address under the picasa 2 import section. It is not recognizing the address.
Any ideas..
Posts: 1
Is this module ever going to allow the user to import the same way as the admin can? Because it is very involved to set up the files for zipping for the casual user to import. I don't want to have to explain to everyone how to do it properly.
Posts: 82
I have just installed gallery, and have tried the picasa2 import function to no avail. I have tried both exporting as HTML and publish via FTP functions in picasa, exported as .xml, then zipped the export folder (as detailed above?)... When I upload, (my tester export is 2MB) I get the following error- "The archive you uploaded is not a valid Picasa export." I am using the newest version of Picasa Version 2.6.0 (Build 35.97,0) for Windows XP. I loaded the newest FULL version of Gallery2 last night - gallery-2.1.2 ...
Any ideas/help? Thank you!
Posts: 82
--just upgraded to gallery2.2 and the picasa upload is working just fine. Thanks!
Posts: 4
i just wanted to say i really..really like the gallery. perfect!
Posts: 20
Just find out about this plugin, it´s a great plugin but I agree that the process seems not that friendly, having to zip the export and all that... sorry if I negative, I'd love to see a easy going, friendly way to publish directly form Picasa... I wish... ;)
The time is now, to show you how...
Posts: 32509
sure, ideally there should be a "publish to gallery" button in the Picasa application.
i know that there's a picasa-web API.
but is there a plugin-API for the Picasa desktop application as well? we can only add such a button in Picasa if there's an API...
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 20
Hi Valiant,
sorry, I'm not that techy...
I just don't know, but from my plain user perspective, I just wish there is one! :D
Posts: 8
Thanks for the update guys. Very informative.
- Easy Living -
Posts: 2
someone out there made a button that can export to flickr. it appears to use a customized blogging button to send it to a web script that does the work.
Posts: 35
Look at the date of this thread. It's about 2 years old. LMAO!
Mak's Gallery
Posts: 1
i tried this method and it still does not work
what did i do wrong ?
1. In Picasa, select the photos you wish to upload then from the top menu choose Folder/Export as HTML Page. Note that if you're exporting an album, it will be Album/Export as HTML Page.
2. Select the required image size and click Next.
3. Select XML Code as the Web Page Template, then click Finish.
Upload the exported folder to your web server. You might want to create a temporary directory for this import e.g. "/public_html/picasaexport/".
Import to Gallery 2
Once uploaded to your Web Server, login to Gallery 2 and go to the Site Admin menu. Select Picasa 2 in the Import section.
Select the destination gallery and add the path. A relative path seems to work so following the above example, you would put "../picasaexport/". Click Select and you will get the final confirmation screen ready to import. Select Import and your images will be imported.
i get the message The path that you entered does not contain valid Picasa export data.
Posts: 1
I am getting the following error when trying to import picasa pics into gallery.
Error (ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) : Error parsing XML.
* in modules/picasa/classes/Picasa2DataParser.class at line 173 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/picasa/classes/Picasa2DataParser.class at line 232 (picasa2dataparser::getxmlarray)
* in modules/picasa/ at line 328 (picasa2dataparser::getalbum)
* in modules/core/ at line 201 (confirmpicasaimportview::loadtemplate)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 300 (siteadminview::loadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 441 (siteadminview::doloadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 179
* in /home/content/s/r/i/srikk/html/sknet/site/modules/gallery/gallery.module at line 215 (galleryembed::handlerequest)
* in ??? at line 0
* in /home/content/s/r/i/srikk/html/sknet/site/includes/ at line 418
* in /home/content/s/r/i/srikk/html/sknet/site/index.php at line 15
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.2
PHP version 4.3.11 cgi-fcgi
Webserver Apache
Database mysqlt 4.1.22-max-log
Toolkits Gd
Operating system Linux 2.4.21-47.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 13 17:56:20 EDT 2006 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/
Please suggest me how can I make picasa and gallery work together...
Posts: 3
Hi, all. I know this is an extremely old post, but I'm still having the same problems with uploading the zip files as has been previously discussed. Some people have claimed to get it working, but I have not seen directions on getting it to work.
* I can correctly export to a web page, selecting the XML option.
* I can zip the files up, confirming that the xml file is in the root of the zipfile.
* I have confirmed that the zip file is < 8MB and the individual files inside are all < 2MB.
* However, when I upload the zip file from the "add items | picasa 2" option, I get the error "There was an error during the upload".
Any help?
Posts: 210
Is it posible to import photos _and_ descriptions from ?