Sort broken/Imagemagick slow...


Joined: 2004-07-12
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-07 16:44

"Sort Items" under Album Actions appears to be broken...As a test, I created a new album with photos called 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc., through 8.jpg...

Sorting ascending by filename produces 2 rows of 4 pictures each that look like:
6 7 8 5
4 2 3 1

Sorting by ascending picture taken date produces the same results - 1 was taken first, 8 was taken last...

Imagemagick operations (resizing on upload, rebuilding thumbs) are slow in comparison to previous versions (v1.5-pl1 is fast, so I don't know where the change happened)...I tried 32 and 64 bit versions, back to early 6.x with the same results...The command that is passed to convert looks different in util.php in comparison to earlier versions, but I'm not a coder and can't exactly figure out what is different that is making it slower...

I also noticed browsing through my galleries that the picture description (which is just the file name in my case), has contained the .jpg extension for a little while, whereas previous versions stripped the .jpg...Don't know if that is a bug or by design - Doesn't make a lot of difference, but thought I'd mention it...

Gallery URL:
Gallery version: 1.5.2-cvs-b29
Apache version: httpd-2.0.54-10.2.x86_64
PHP version: php-5.0.4-10.4.x86_64
Graphics Toolkit: ImageMagick-6.2.5-5.x86_64
Operating system: Fedora Linux Core 4
Web browser/version (if applicable): IE6