"Last changed/comment" timestamps show "%b" instead of month


Joined: 2005-10-30
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-30 23:04

The following information is required to get an answer:
Gallery version: 1.5.1-debian1
Apache version: 2.0.54-5
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): PHP version 4.4.0-4
Graphics Toolkit: NetPBM
Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux unstable / kernel 2.6.6
Web browser/version (if applicable): Firefox 1.0.7

After moving my albums to a new server, gallery is working fine except that the "last changed" and "last comment" timestamps
always show an integer for the Day, then %b for month followed by integer year.

For example:

Last changed on 30 b% 2005. This album contains 17 items.
This album has been viewed 1 time since 30 b% 2005.

Clearly the month is the issue.

Have I missed an FAQ? Thanks in advance.


h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-30 23:18

Wow, thats strange! I'll poke the developers.

h0bbel - Gallery Team
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Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Mon, 2005-10-31 10:58


this is not really strange.
The date time format is defined in config and saved in $gallery->app->dateString
Ferdy: i guess guess its just a typo. You uses b% instead of %b.
Gallery sets it to %x per default.

Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.


Joined: 2005-10-30
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2005-10-31 14:59

Thank you, Jens.

That was precisely the problem. I should perhaps see if it is a debian bug as I don;t recall ever changing that format, though possibly I did!
