I need a PHP forum like this gallery one...also need some ki


Joined: 2002-11-21
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2003-02-07 23:24

this forum is SUPER useful. i am trying to find an identical site for PHP and MySQL...can anybody point me to one? I hate mailing lists because you get all the crap you don't need all the time...it's SO cool to have peers who may have stumbled across your problem (or who may know how to solve it).

alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Sun, 2003-02-09 19:30

For PHP, the best thing is to look on sites liked http://phpbuilder.com/ or http://php.net/manual/ or the php-users mailing list (i know you said about mailing lists, but it's a good tool -- use the digest feature).

For MySQL, check out MySQL's website at http://mysql.com

For both, I recommend buying a book or just going to your local bookstore and reading.


Joined: 2002-11-20
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2003-02-12 12:25

You can also go to <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://forums.invisionpower.com" TARGET="_blank">http://forums.invisionpower.com</A><!-- BBCode End -->

They have a very goog 'coding and scripting' forum.