I am a first time user and have loaded gallery-2.0.1-typical.tar.gz on to my server. The installer found 111 files to be missing during system checks. They are all from one of the following folders.
Are these supposed to load in a typical instalation or is the installer just looking for files included in the 'full' intall?
Also, it seems that this question would have already been addressed somewhere. How do I search the forum? I must be blind because I don't see any search function.
Posts: 16504
Did you upload the .tar.gz file to your server and untar it from the server or did you upload all of the files from the tar.gz file from your computer to the server?
Yes, those directories are suppose to be part of the typical or any install for that matter.
You can search the forums, by clicking on the search link toward the top-right of every page on this site. It's located right before "forums", "support", "developers" and "my account" at the top
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Posts: 12
I uploaded the .tar.gz file to my server and untared it from the server. I have since uploaded the missing files via FTP. Everything seems to be a go at this point. Thanks