bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2002-08-23 17:32


Here are some problems we've been seeing lately and their possible resolutions. I, and the other moderators, will try to keep this post up to date as we learn what's going on.
This is not meant as a replacement for the <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions</A><!-- BBCode End --> page which you should read before posting. And if you're in any doubt, you should use the <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Site wide search engine</A><!-- BBCode End --> to see if anybody else has had (and solved) this problem before posting. We're seeing a lot questions posted that have already been answered in the forums or the FAQ. :???:

Trouble uploading images on Windows
(on Win2K, WinXP)

People have been reporting that they have a hard time uploading images on Windows. There are a couple of different flavors of this problem, gut the most common symptoms are that you can occasionally upload small images successfully, but if you try to upload large images or a lot of small images your system hangs.

I am not sure what's up with this particular problem. I've heard that it might be a permissions issue and some folks have resolved this by following the instructions laid out in the "Installation on IIS" part of the <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">User Guide</A><!-- BBCode End --> to get around the problem. I'm hampered by the fact that I cannot reproduce this problem on any of my Windows boxes. So, if there are any windows gurus out there who figure this out and come up with a good solution post it in this forum and I'll update this message accordingly.


Joined: 2002-08-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2002-08-25 23:10

I found the solution for the upload problems under Windows

Solution: I replaced the NetPBM Binaries linked to in your requirements page with the version 10.6 executables from <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF=";release_id=103273" TARGET="_blank">SourceForge</A><!-- BBCode End --> and added libjpeg.dll from <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A><!-- BBCode End --> to the NetPBM bin directory.

I changed some code in gallery/setup/ because it didn't recognize the renamed pnmtojpeg.exe file (was still setting $gallery->app->pnmtojpeg = "ppmtojpeg")

* In NetPBM 9.19, they renamed "ppmtojpeg" to "pnmtojpeg". !@#$%
* Add a special case constant to tell us which binary we located on
* the machine (so we know which one to use!). It sucks that we
* have to do this!
$data .= one_constant("pnmtojpeg", "pnmtojpeg");
$view .= row_wrap(one_constant("pnmtojpeg", "pnmtojpeg"));

After that changes, the upload worked perfectly :smile:

Since gallery/setup/check_netpbm.php despite reported errors for all NetPBM executables, I replaced it with the version from gallery.1.3.2-cvs-b2.
The output is now nearly perfect:

We are going to test each NetPBM binary individually. If you see errors, you should click here to see more details
Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/giftopnm.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/jpegtopnm.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pngtopnm.exe
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 128)

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmcut.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmfile.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmflip.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmrotate.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmscale.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmtopng.exe
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 128)

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/ppmquant.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/ppmtogif.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmtojpeg.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

I'm not sure about the 2 errors, but since I don't want to upload PNG-files, it doesn't matter, maybe I'm still missing a DLL (libpng.dll?)

My System:
- Win XP
- APACHE 1.3.24
- PHP 4.2.2
- PHP-Nuke 5.6
- Gallery 1.3.1

Hope this info will help somebody, I needed many hours to figure it out!

alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Tue, 2002-12-17 23:13

If applicable, please post the URL to your Gallery site along with your error report. Also, if applicable, you might want to post a test account that we can use to try to reproduce your problem. Furthermore, if applicable :smile:, put Gallery in debug mode before posting!

On another note, be nice. I personally hate seeing messages like "HELP ME" or "It's been xx hours/days and nobody has helped me!" Please stay calm and post as much information as you can think of -- anything helps. If you have to say that latter message, you probably didn't explain your problem clearly enough, so we can't or don't want to figure out what your problem is. We don't *have* to help you. Don't let this deter you from Gallery or posting your problem (I personally enjoy helping people, and everyone else does too or else they wouldn't be here), but just think before you post :razz:

clothahump's picture

Joined: 2002-11-26
Posts: 127
Posted: Sun, 2003-10-19 10:07

On using WS_FTP to upgrade to 1.4-pl2.
I have just completed my 3rd upgrade today and all went smoothly, far better than the first which prompted me to write this.
When uploading to your gallery file on your server please follow the instructions in the documentation to the letter.
If you use WS_FTP I found the best way to avoid any problems is to open the following files one at a time and upload the contents to the corresponding files on the server.
Classes and all files within.
Docs and all files within.
HTML wrap.
Set up.
Locale and Po, just upload the complete file as is, no need to open these as they are new to Gallery.
Upload the rest of the files as normal.
When prompted that the file on the server is newer than the one you are trying to upload click yes to all, this is where the problem lies, WS_FTP if in Auto mode will skip past these files.


Joined: 2003-11-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2003-11-16 00:58
bharat wrote:
Trouble uploading images on Windows
(on Win2K, WinXP)

People have been reporting that they have a hard time uploading images on Windows. There are a couple of different flavors of this problem, gut the most common symptoms are that you can occasionally upload small images successfully, but if you try to upload large images or a lot of small images your system hangs.

I am not sure what's up with this particular problem. I've heard that it might be a permissions issue and some folks have resolved this by following the instructions laid out in the "Installation on IIS" part of the <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">User Guide</A><!-- BBCode End --> to get around the problem. I'm hampered by the fact that I cannot reproduce this problem on any of my Windows boxes. So, if there are any windows gurus out there who figure this out and come up with a good solution post it in this forum and I'll update this message accordingly.

I had this problem. I was running Apache 2.0 with PHP 4.3.4 on Win2k pro.

It didn't matter whether I used NetPBM, or ImageMagick, whenever I tried uploading some pictures it would hang the page.

After MANY hours of trying to figure it out, I think I found the answer that might help some of you.

In the Gallery Configuration on Step 3, check preserve names to NO.

If this fixes your problem, then it was the filename that was causing the problem. The file names that were giving me problems contained the characters '!', '(', and ')' though I'm not sure if those are the only ones.

This topic was the one that clued me in finally.

hope this helps some people.


Joined: 2004-01-05
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 21:50
In the Gallery Configuration on Step 3, check preserve names to NO.
If this fixes your problem, then it was the filename that was causing the problem. The file names that were giving me problems contained the characters '!', '(', and ')' though I'm not sure if those are the only ones.

'_' also causes the problem. puah fixed for me thanx a lot!!


Joined: 2004-01-09
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2004-01-09 05:28

I found a solution to my problems with running gallery on Apache under Windows NT 4.0 and this may apply to other Windows problems.

The apache service is by default (or at least it was when I installed it) set to run under the Local System account. Every account is by default given access to cmd.exe... except the Local System account. There are a variety of ways of solving this problem, my choice was to create a new user called apacheserver and added it to a new group called the webserver group. I then used the service manager to change the log on of the apache service to use this new account. Since this account is now a part of "Everyone" and not the Local System account, apache now has access to cmd.exe and this fixes the permissions problem. You might restart the apache service through the service manager after you've made all the changes to permissions just to be on the safe side.

The IIS Install Doc tip of copying cmd.exe to the same location of php.exe creates a new copy of cmd.exe with full access for everyone including Local System, but you are then at the mercy of the ordering of your path statement and you may still execute the old cmd.exe from gallery by accident - I did. Renaming cmd.exe in your system32 directory to something else will quickly tell you if that file is being executed by mistake. The previous method gives more control over this and is the one I would recommend.

I hope this helps someone...


Here's the error I was receiving with this permissions problem to make this post more useful to searchers:
Fetching Urls...
Processing status...

- Adding testthumb.jpg
Resizing/compressing original image
No resizing required
Warning: Unable to fork [cmd.exe /c "d:\imagick\convert -quality 95 -size 150x150 +profile '*' d:\apache\apache\htdocs\albums\cr03beach\acx.jpg -geometry 150x150 d:\apache\apache\htdocs\albums\cr03beach\acx.thumb.jpg"] in d:\apache\apache\htdocs\gallery\platform\fs_win32.php on line 170

Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)!

alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Fri, 2004-01-09 12:29

Can you add a note to the IIS docs about this?


Joined: 2003-05-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-25 19:54

Hi all.
After being lazy over upgrading my php 4.3.1, my Apache from 2.0.45, I came across after some debugging that the version of ImageMagick I was using, the identify.exe version did not implmented the -version option. I upgraded it to the last one from, but then I continued with errors...
Then I started to review configuration options of these tools. When I came across php.ini I found that there was an 8Mb limit of memory allowed per script.
I changed it to 16Mb and everything seemed to work okay by now.
Hope this helps and will keep you posted.

alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Sun, 2004-01-25 21:28

willyram, can you add a note to the IIS docs about that --


Joined: 2004-02-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2004-02-03 17:28

I have installed gallery-1.4.2-RC2 on a windows 2000 SP3 with easyphp 1.7 (Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.3.3, MySQL
and I also have the upload problem).

I tried what is described below but now I have the following error :

JPEG library error : Jpeg parameter struct mismatch : library thinks size is 432, caller expects 464.

Nobsi wrote:
I found the solution for the upload problems under Windows

Solution: I replaced the NetPBM Binaries linked to in your requirements page with the version 10.6 executables from <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">SourceForge</A><!-- BBCode End --> and added libjpeg.dll from <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A><!-- BBCode End --> to the NetPBM bin directory.

I changed some code in gallery/setup/ because it didn't recognize the renamed pnmtojpeg.exe file (was still setting $gallery->app->pnmtojpeg = "ppmtojpeg")

* In NetPBM 9.19, they renamed "ppmtojpeg" to "pnmtojpeg". !@#$%
* Add a special case constant to tell us which binary we located on
* the machine (so we know which one to use!). It sucks that we
* have to do this!
$data .= one_constant("pnmtojpeg", "pnmtojpeg");
$view .= row_wrap(one_constant("pnmtojpeg", "pnmtojpeg"));

After that changes, the upload worked perfectly :smile:

Since gallery/setup/check_netpbm.php despite reported errors for all NetPBM executables, I replaced it with the version from gallery.1.3.2-cvs-b2.
The output is now nearly perfect:

We are going to test each NetPBM binary individually. If you see errors, you should click here to see more details
Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/giftopnm.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/jpegtopnm.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pngtopnm.exe
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 128)

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmcut.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmfile.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmflip.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmrotate.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmscale.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmtopng.exe
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 128)

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/ppmquant.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/ppmtogif.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

Checking D:AppServ/NetPbm/bin/pnmtojpeg.exe
Ok! Version: can't detect version on Windows

I'm not sure about the 2 errors, but since I don't want to upload PNG-files, it doesn't matter, maybe I'm still missing a DLL (libpng.dll?)

My System:
- Win XP
- APACHE 1.3.24
- PHP 4.2.2
- PHP-Nuke 5.6
- Gallery 1.3.1

Hope this info will help somebody, I needed many hours to figure it out!


Joined: 2003-11-30
Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 2004-03-08 02:12

Just in case anyone thinks this problem is fixed... it's not.

I didn't run into it until I upgraded from Gallery 1.4.1 p1 or p2 (forget) to 1.4.2. Then I couldn't upload anything -- had the exact problem discussed in this thread.

I tried EVERYTHING in this thread up to my post. Nothing worked. Finally, I decided to try NetPBM instead of ImageMagick since it was clear the problem had something to do with calling the image library.

To make a long story short, I couldn't get NetPBM to work, but as a last-ditch effort I decided to uninstall/re-install Image Magick and... it works fine now.

Make sure you use ImageMagick Q16 with DLL (not static library).

Good luck to all. I know how frustrating this problem can be.



Joined: 2004-04-27
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-27 15:05

I don't know if this has come up but I was able to trace the problem down to the ">" piping of the resized stream...

This is the part that fails on a IIS WIN2K NetPBM config of Gallery.

From the prompt it all works but not from PHP...

Is there a way out that I am overlooking?


Joined: 2003-05-01
Posts: 219
Posted: Sat, 2004-05-01 23:59

If you are running Windows with Apache (for example. I am running Xampp on WinXP Home) and you have the "Unable to make thumbnail (0)" error, then go to this page:
Look halfway down, save the file
into the same directory as NetPBM and it will now work fine.

How did I find this? Simply tried to execute the netpbm binaries in a dos box until I found one that failed and then went to find the missing dll it complained about. As this took me half and hour and this problem seems to have been around for about 2-3 weeks now, I'm guessing it might to resolve all problems, but if it I get a mention in the FAQ?!? :)

(I'm chuffed 'cos I know nothing about programming!)


Joined: 2004-05-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2004-05-05 03:07
topher_j wrote:
bharat wrote:
Trouble uploading images on Windows
(on Win2K, WinXP)

People have been reporting that they have a hard time uploading images on Windows. There are a couple of different flavors of this problem, gut the most common symptoms are that you can occasionally upload small images successfully, but if you try to upload large images or a lot of small images your system hangs.

I am not sure what's up with this particular problem. I've heard that it might be a permissions issue and some folks have resolved this by following the instructions laid out in the "Installation on IIS" part of the <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">User Guide</A><!-- BBCode End --> to get around the problem. I'm hampered by the fact that I cannot reproduce this problem on any of my Windows boxes. So, if there are any windows gurus out there who figure this out and come up with a good solution post it in this forum and I'll update this message accordingly.

I had this problem. I was running Apache 2.0 with PHP 4.3.4 on Win2k pro.

It didn't matter whether I used NetPBM, or ImageMagick, whenever I tried uploading some pictures it would hang the page.

After MANY hours of trying to figure it out, I think I found the answer that might help some of you.

In the Gallery Configuration on Step 3, check preserve names to NO.

If this fixes your problem, then it was the filename that was causing the problem. The file names that were giving me problems contained the characters '!', '(', and ')' though I'm not sure if those are the only ones.

This topic was the one that clued me in finally.

hope this helps some people.

That is exactly the same thing I did to fix the same issue. The only caveat I have for you is that even though the code says its going to change the file name, the file name actually stays the same.