G2 Integration for Upload/Link?


Joined: 2005-10-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-14 07:02

After reading lots of posts, wikis, and the embedded code I still have a question. Is it possible (practical) to use G2 not only for viewing images but as a more general image database for another application? If this information is elsewhere a link would be greatly appreciated. Not knowing the proper vocabulary for G2 makes it a tad harder to narrow down the search.

The goal is allow images to be seamlessly upload and added to CMS posts. I looked at the upload applets and remote modules but they do not seem more oriented to non-integrated solutions.

* RESOLVED: Login control and user synchronization: This is understand roughly based on the documentations and examples.

* I would like my application to request the data items needed, a mixture of custom and G2 fields, forward these fields and the file to G2 (integrated via PHP or whatever) and have G2 place them into the proper location per G2 related fields.

* The application would then query G2 for a link (thumbnail, full, etc.) based on G2's existing browser
** Possibly have G2 return album/image links and caller would make browser (but that seems too much like work!)

* I do NOT have a need to do image manipulation outside of G2

I am pretty sure I could hack a URL based scheme but that just seems wrong when the G2 code can be so tightly coupled to the CMS.

Thank you


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-14 09:15

the mediawiki, joomla and wpg2 integrations are already doing most of that.
noone has done uploading from the integration application, you still have to click on the embedded g2 and then upload there. but you could add this feature.

* I do NOT have a need to do image manipulation outside of G2

G2 isn't photoshop. you could add a powerful image editing module to g2 such that you can sharpen, change the colors etc in g2, but right now, you don't have such features in g2.