Hi I'm trying to get a list of current or old integrations with external apps together as a sort of quick FAQ so if you know of one not on the list below please post a quick note and a reference below.
<LI>PostNuke - (Included in main Gallery distro)
<LI>PhpNuke - (Included in main Gallery distro)
<LI>phpBB2 - <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.snailsource.com/forum" TARGET="_blank">www.snailsource.com/forum</A><!-- BBCode End -->
<LI>vbPortal - <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=gallery-users&m=100549512701260&w=2" TARGET="_blank">marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=gallery-users&m=100549512701260&w=2</A><!-- BBCode End -->
<LI>Xoops - <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?op=&cid=18" TARGET="_blank">www.xoops.org/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?op=&cid=18</A><!-- BBCode End -->
<LI>vCard Lite - <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.belchiorfoundry.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=305&forum=10" TARGET="_blank">www.belchiorfoundry.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=305&forum=10</A><!-- BBCode End -->
It's important to note that I've only tested the phpbb2 integration so there are no guarantees that the above links mean that a application is supported. But the above proves that the interest and intent is there... [/]
Posts: 2
There's instructions on how to embed Gallery with Invision Board 1.0 at http://www.ibresource.com/
It's pretty rough right now, but it'll get things going. :smile: I'm currently working on improving things.
Posts: 99
Gallery works great with geeklog.
Instructions here:
A Random Photo block is also available on the same site:
I found it was necessary to make some further modifications to get gallery to recognise the geeklog logins as suggested by Adrian Chung:
Add the following line to classes/geeklog/UserDB.php in function
array_push($uidList, $this->nobody->getUid());
array_push($uidList, $this->everybody->getUid());
+ array_push($uidList, $this->loggedIn->getUid());
Secondly, modify getUserByUid() as follows:
function getUserByUid($uid) {
if (!$uid || !strcmp($uid, $this->nobody->getUid())) {
return $this->nobody;
} else if (!strcmp($uid, $this->everybody->getUid()))
return $this->everybody;
- } else if (!strcmp($username, $this->loggedIn->getUid())) {
+ } else if (!strcmp($uid, $this->loggedIn->getUid())) {
return $this->loggedIn;
$user = new Geeklog_User();
return $user;
(I replaced my entire .. getUserByUid() function with this code)
Now, if you browse to your web site gallery (http://robinbowes.com/gallery
in my case) you should see it wrapped in geeklog.
By default, all users have access to everything. You need to change this
by either explicitly giving access only to selected users or using the
pseudo "LOGGEDIN" user to only allow access to those users who have
registered and are logged in.
Log in to your geeklog site as "Admin" and open your gallery site. You
should see several admin options on each of your galleries. Click on
"Permissions" and you should get a new window allowing you to change
security on that gallery. I have currently changed the ownership of each
gallery to my own geeklog user login and allow any logged in user to view
the galleries. Save the changes and close your browser (need to clear the
cookie/cache or whatever).
Now if you browse to your gallery, you should not see any galleries. If
you log in to geeklog as a user to whom you have given gellery access you
should now see the galleries.
Is there any chance this code could be added to the gallery code base? Then geeklog integration would be as simple as adding the following configuration directives to the config file:
$GEEKLOG_DIR = '/path/to/geeklog/public_html'
On a related note, if I ever re-configure gallery via the web the config file gets over-written and I have to manually edit config.php to add the configuration directives again. Is there a way round this?
Posts: 2
I use UBBThreads and have used this gallery and like it very much. Would prefer to integrate this opposed to an already embeddable gallery called PhotoPost.
Any feedback as feasibility?
Posts: 1
Hi Sirpineal,
what are the reasons why you prefer gallery to the already embeddable PhotoPost?
i'm trying to weigh the pros and cons. as of now, i prefer gallery but it's a hunch. need more substantiable points to convince my associates too.
Posts: 4
I bought Photopost because of the integration to phpBB, but I'm dumping it in favor of Gallery with Snailsource's integration mod to phpBB. I can give you details via email (rather not air the dirty laundry here on Gallery's forum). Email me at
I found Gallery easy to install, and you know about any bugs or problems because of the open forums here.
Posts: 2
I've written a quick tutorial on how to integrate Gallery into MovableType. I've posted a thread about it in this forum, but you can head right to the tutorial by following this URL:
Posts: 12
Does anyone have information/instructions on how to incorporate Gallery into/with OpenBB? http://forums.openbb.com/
Posts: 5
What about a integration in PHPWebSite...?
Anyone done that before?
Posts: 27
Is this tutorial still valid now that gallery is in version 1.4.1 with skins? I tried to add a comment to your blog, but got a server error.
Posts: 565
Researching e107...
...with the intent of integrating G1/G2 for e107's forum element. Anyone been down this path...?
best wishes, Robert
Posts: 65
How about an integration with Nucleus?
Posts: 565
On thread:
* Update... e107 didn't cut it for me. Adopted the GeekLog CMS with G1. Have been running nicely with this combination for several months. AFAIK the GeekLog compatibility with G1 is full on - the tops
All my users log into the GeekLog CMS and they are seamlessly authenticated into Gallery's display functionality. No complaints, no question about it, you can add GeekLog compliance to this thread's *External apps compatible with Gallery (G1)*.
Slightly off-thread:
* I'm now about to be 'obliged' to drop G1 due to its continuing non-support for a proper in-house cart - mature or otherwise. FWIW I have broken/dropped the Jenardo offering so many times it doesn't bear thinking about.
* Now researching osCommerce for use as the shop functionality and will continue with GeekLog for the CMS... Unfortunately the display functionality of osC doesn't hold a candle to what G1 so effortlessly achieves. Having to drop G1 is proving to be quite a wrench here;~( Gallery just doesn't feature in the equation without a mature/supported shopping trolley/cart;~/ Sort of tears me apart having to drop G1 but I just can't sell pictures without a trolley even if G1's display functionality is the best by far. And I now have to sell pictures...
* Nobody seems to have conjoined G1 and osC though there seem to be many asking. For the life of me I don't understand why these two relatively mature giants (of the Open Source world) haven't got together yet.
* At first glance the osC support fora doesn't seem to be a patch on those of the Menalto site.
* Inexplicably the multitude of osC's addon stuff is all written based on the unfeasibly unrealistic methodology of a virgin/stock installation which, itself, is updated in terms of centuries in comparison to those of G1/G2. Very few of the developers/patchers/hackers seem to be able to 'spell' and all the addon stuff is littered with a myriad of simple corrections. I not emphatically so confident, as I have been with Gallery for so long, and a few casual looks at the documentation and support channels haven't been particularly encouraging.
* For me, getting the shopping aspect done will be a mandatory step forward, but the rest is likely to be steps just about so far back I'm beginning to wonder about the whole point.
best wishes, Robert
Posts: 33
There are contributions for osCom that help with its image control. Obviously nothing like Gallery exists, but I think that with a little work you can get a handle on your osCom images.
This is your chance! Both communities could benefit greatly from this scripting feat. You'd be doing a great service to the Open Source movement if you headed up a project to combine them.
Please be conscious of how you can give back to these great projects rather than only using them. There simply haven't been enough (paying) hours in the day to combine these two projects yet. Perhaps you can find a client that needed this functionality enough to pay for this development. Then give the code back to the communities for all to enjoy!
I don't know how much work you've done under the hood of osCom but I'm not sure that there is any other way for contribution installation to work. It is not the most elegantly written code - you MUST have programming knowledge to modify it. I'm sure that this wasn't created with a gatekeeper mentality but out of necessity. There are folks out there that are changing the osCommerce core all the time, including projects like mamCom and ZenCart.
An important sidenote is that both osCom and Gallery are just about to release new versions. The final 2.2 release (and 5th birthday) are looming for osCom and V2 of Gallery is right around the corner. You may want to wait until both of these have matured to their proposed new version before diving in too far.
Cheers for your kind words about Gallery.
Posts: 33
The mamCom website is transitioning to a new server. You can find current info and downloads here: http://www.mambobrothers.com/mambo/
In the near future, mamCom should return to its original home here: http://www.mamcom.org
Posts: 3
Seriously Brilliant!
This seems to be the best method of intigrating MT and Gallery. Although I have not attempted it on my site yet, I'm very impressed.
The only thing I still can't seem to work out is how to dynamicly generate a list of Albums and Sub-Albums like MT does with the Catagories and Sub-Catagories. (look along the right side of my site.. underneath the calander... that's what I'm talking about.)
I understand the breadcrumb stuff shows you where and how deep you are in the gallery structure. But how can one grab all of the album names that are, for instance, root level to three deep?
Posts: 5
Posts: 23
Hello there... I've been working with a custom made CMS and wish to embed gallery on it... I've read a couple of docs about embeding in several popular CMS, I wish to know if there is a document that might explain or help to do this.
Posts: 151
I just read over the info included with Gallery 2 and am positive that I can get it integrated with my favorite forum system now. Thanks for making it so much easier :D
Posts: 13
what about integrating G1 in drupal? Incredibly, gallery webiste runs on it and a G1 integration is still not available ;)
Posts: 11
Yeah is this possible in the meanwhile? Really like the Oscommerce and Gallery combination btw! Didnt know that yet! :D
Posts: 6
How do I write to the g2 db from my own upload php. I currently write to my own mysql db then add uploads to G2 via 'add item'. Too complicated. My idea is to do inserts both to my own db and to the g2 db
Thank you