Add item from local server - some requests


Joined: 2005-09-07
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2005-09-13 11:39

Hi guys,

Disclaimer1: I tried to find a topic on this, no success so I start a new one.
Maybe it is explained somewhere, I really tried to find.

Now, first what my problem is:
I have a lot of nested albums and I need to add a lot of photos daily.

First after downloading photos to my pc, I sort them manually moving them to appropriate directory.

Directories match album names.

Ideally I would love to have a script watching directories on my pc then, ideally again, after I select 'find new photos' it should display whole list with a check boxes - add photos to the gallery.

Or at least have an option somewhere or simply hardcoded - /I believe a hack for this is simple for a guru :)/ :
1. if an item exists, DON'T CREATE another one like it is now.
2. if an album exists, don't create another one - just put photos into that album.

Effectively adding 200 photos daily would be simple, right now is a nightmare -
I have to navigate into very single album and watch carefully what is already added and what is not.

To give an example:
Say I have added todays photos into september/apples directory.
Now instead of:
navigate to gallery > september > apples
find files
select check boxes only for todays photos and make sure you don't make a mistake here, because I will have to delete doubles afterwards.

Altogether it takes me about 2 hours -

I would love to:
find files
and select gallery directory.
Check, say, gallery or 'septemper' and voila - done!
If directory/album 'september' exists, then 'apples' exists it would add respective new photos there.

Sorry if this is unclear. I believe it should be quite common situation so it is solved somewhere.

Thanks in advance.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-09-13 21:25

the "script watching directories for changes" request has already been filed and is quite popular. still, we have a lot to do and haven't have time to work on it.

as hack or programmed in a clean way, this is possible, yet. but it will require some work.

you could use Gallery Remote for adding a lot of items each day. drag and drop, a lot of items at once. is also quite efficient until your requested feature is available.