Search is very broken


Joined: 2005-08-18
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-18 23:42

Looked through the FAQ and the docs, didn't find an answer to my question ("Can I reset the 'this album has been viewed x times' counter?") so came to the forums.

Searched for "reset album counter". Search found 11439 matches. Holy Yaks. That's a lot of results. Look through page one, nothing really matches my query. Click on page 2... "No topics or posts met your search criteria"

So either the search is finding way too much or way too little. What gives?

On Windows 2000, Firefox 1.0.6.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-19 05:19

Yeah, I see that too. This site and these forums will be moving to new software in the coming weeks so hopefully we'll have a better search engine that doesn't suck ;)

Try narrowing your search down, maybe select "Search for all items", narrow it down to a Category or even a Forum.

If you're using G2: Site Admin > Maintenance > Reset view counts

If you're using G1: click on "reset counter" for the album.


Joined: 2005-08-18
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-19 05:32

Excellent, thanks for the reply.

I was sure that the answer would be something simple, but didn't relish the thought of poking around the hundreds of threads to see if someone had answered my question. And, of course, I had the feeling it was something obvious that I was missing. I was looking in the album itself more than anything, then turned to the documentation...

In any case, I'm also relieved that it isn't just me with the search engine. Another forum I visit has bugs that are, apparently, unique to me (the admins "can't reproduce the problem") which drives me batty. Well, battier. ;)