Any chance of supporting other image formats beside JPEG in the "thumbnail" module?
I'd like to use transparency for these "default" images, either GIF or PNG would be nice.
The ability to "replace" an image on existing mime entries would be nice.
Posts: 32509
don't remember the thumb module really only accepts jpgs. if you are sure about this (e.g. tested
), please file a feature request on
Posts: 71
When you try to use a non jpeg image it tells you it can only take JPEG.
Posts: 71
Here are the 2 feature requests:
Posts: 135
FYI I have added my own comment on this to the second of the above requests as a vote to get this feature added.
Windows 2003 Service Pack 1
IIS 6 + PHP 5.0.4
MySQL 4.1.12
Easysite 3.1.6, FlashChat 4.0.6, FlashMyAdmin (fixed), FlashMyPDF, FlashBB
Gallery2 v1
phpBB 2.0.17 (+ PHP5 mod)
Posts: 8601
Taomyn, check back soon and you'll find a system to actually vote on features you'd like to see.. it's in testing now