Custom Block & Admin templates

swift's picture

Joined: 2003-12-08
Posts: 39
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-03 02:39

Looking through B4, it seems like you're on a much better track with the whole layout/theme system now (great job!), but there's still a fair bit to do.

I know this is still beta, but one of the big things this theme model switch was supposed to be able to do is allow the theme author to modify the templates for the various modules and blocks. I've been able to modify the core.*some block* whenever they're referenced in the theme file (thanks to the forum), but no I want to customize the Search block template. I've tried just copying it over to my theme, but that doesn't work, and I can't really figure out where the reference is that calls it (so I can change it). Simiarly, I want to tweak the admin panel a bit (move the sidebar around mostly) but can't track down it's refrences either, and the admin.tpl in the theme directory is a one-liner that looks like it was just copied from the old system.

Are these requests possible now, or am I going to have to wait longer? (I realize I should wait longer, it is beta...) It's just hard cause I want to really use the power of the new system, and also I've got free time now (but not so much later.) And finally, as you know, just another little reminder that customization documation would be greatly appreciated!

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-03 03:45

you can use local tpls to modify those various things. modules/search/templates, modules/core/templates/SiteAdmin.tpl or ItemAdmin.tpl, etc.
see for a patch that will let your theme include tpl overrides.