add new aspect ratio for "edit thumbnail" java app


Joined: 2004-09-06
Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-13 11:07

Hi, all,

I am coming to this forum, because I need some hints about java programming.

I am using Gallery 1.5 with my own customized design.
To fit the thumbnails into my design, I'd like to have thumbnails with an aspect ratio of 8:3 (half of a 4:3 pic).

I edit my thumbnails with the popup java applet which shows the picture, the cyan frame to select the thumbnail part of the pic and the dropdown lists for aspect ratio and orientation.

I could imagine that setting this cyan frame in a special ratio should not be a problem, because all we need to crop the image are x and y coordinates and width and height...

My wish is to extend the ratio dropdownlist by an entry "8:3" to get the cyan frame in the right ratio. I had a look into Gallery's edit_thumb .php and the java/ImageTools.jar files. I also extracted the files from this java archive, I was even able to search for "Letterbox" as existing dropdown item and got the file ImageCrop.class. But it seems this file is a kind of binary data, neither vi nor notepad/wordpad show a kind of programming language code.

Here ends my knowlegde about Java programming. I've heard the class files are compiled code used by the JavaRuntimeEnvironment. And I guess I'll need the source code to apply my changes and an SDK to recompile and repack the files into a new ImageTools.jar

Could anyone help me by giving me a hint where to search further or perhaps it is possible to create a new version of this applet for me?

Thanks for any hint



Joined: 2004-09-06
Posts: 56
Posted: Thu, 2005-07-21 15:24

Hi all,

I altered the files by my own, recompiled and jar'ed them.
The only thing now is that IE JVM does not show the applet (grey field), but SunJRE works and does not show any message.
