editer block actions


Joined: 2005-06-17
Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 10:28


i use the classic theme and i don't find the files ou tpl where i can edit the links for the actions block (adding picture in your cart, add comments, view comments, print with photoacces.com ...)

i find only

{* Item actions *}
{if ($layout.show.sidebarActions && !empty($layout.itemLinks))}
<div class="gbBlock">
<h3> {g->text text="Actions"} </h3>
{foreach from=$layout.itemLinks item=link}
<li class="gbAdminLink {g->linkId urlParams=$link.params}">
<a href="{$link.url}">{$link.text}</a>

someone can help me ?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 10:31

i'd wait to customize this stuff. there's a huge theme/layout change in the works which is due in 2 weeks or so. this will make customization like this also easier.