Problem creating a new layout [solved]


Joined: 2005-05-22
Posts: 69
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 20:56

Just read the thread

Got nearly the same Problem:
I took the "siriux" layout, copied it to another folder and did all the changes to as mentioned above. All the names are matching.
But there are a lot of other text passages using "siriux" (for example at the end of Do I have to change them too? I guess, because otherwise how should G2 find my templates?
So actually I did it, but it doesn't work: I get an error message

Warning: stat() [function.stat]: stat failed for C:\Programme\xampp\htdocs\gallery2beta3/layouts/siriux/templates/pathbar.tpl in C:\Programme\xampp\htdocs\gallery2beta3\modules\core\classes\GalleryPlatform.class on line 471

It seems there is still a piece of "siriux" left, but I can't find it!
Where does it come from?
I also tried to delete the cache of G2, but nothing changes...



Joined: 2005-05-22
Posts: 69
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 21:06

Okay, I think I solved it: I had to replace ALL strings "siriux" that could be found in the files located in the layout-directory and its subdirs.
Now it works.