G2 + Mambo, images not showing


Joined: 2005-06-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 17:04

I have installed and configured G2 on my website, everything works fine. Created an album and uploaded pictures. Thumbnails, pictures, everything is showing. I then installed the mod_gallery2 version 1.4 in the mambo components admin and created a link to the component in the topmenu. When you click the link G2 is being loaded, albeit a bit slow, but none of the images is showing.

What am I doing wrong?


Embed settings:

Full Path to Gallery G2: /home/httpd/vhosts/rogierbom.nl/httpdocs/gallery2/
Relative path to Gallery G2: ../gallery2
Path to Mambo: /
embedUri: index.php?option=com_gallery2
Login page redirect: index.php

Mambo version: 4.5.2
Gallery URL (optional): http://www.rogierbom.nl/gallery2 / http://www.rogierbom.nl/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=35
Gallery version: Gallery 2 beta 3
Webserver (with version): Apache
Datatabase (with version): MySQL 4.0.24
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.11
phpinfo URL (optional): http://www.rogierbom.nl/phpinfo.php
Graphics Toolkit(s): netpbm
Operating system: Linux 2.4.21-32.0.1
Web browser/version: Firfox 1.04
G1 version (for migration bugs): none


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 18:13

moving the topic to the integrations forum.

is mod_gallery2 1.4 the newest version?
take a look at the Mambo + G2 sticky topic (last pages of the thread).


Joined: 2005-06-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 18:52

I have read the G2+Mambo sticky. michiel_1981 mentions version 1.5 halfway through the topic and versien 2 on page 7, but no download links. The version on mamboforge is 1.4, which is the most recent I have been able to find


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 18:56

of course there are download links.
ah, you'll have to wait a few days, see:

Taken offline for know until some major bugs are resolved


Joined: 2005-06-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 20:27

Hmm, changing the relative path from "../gallery2" to "gallery2" changed some things. At least all the images are now showing, but in the gallery template while in the previous situation I had the gallery text in the style of my mambo template


Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 21:58

your change was correct, and tommorow or monday i'll put the files back, the bug has been fixed allthough a little bit clumsy, need to fine tune this.

be patient.

and the style is correct, because the url is now correct the css from gallery2 is loaded correctly ;)


Joined: 2005-06-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 16:58
michiel_1981 wrote:
and the style is correct, because the url is now correct the css from gallery2 is loaded correctly ;)

It took some finetuning of the elements that were not in my mambo css, but it's working fine now.

Thanx everyone!