G2 integration + mambo authentication failure


Joined: 2005-06-15
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-15 03:16

Hi, I am hoping someone can help me?

I am using mambo 4.5.2, gallery2 (G2.0 Beta 3, core 0.9.24) and com_gallery2 released 1st june 2005 (latest)

My issue is that I can view all my galleries via gallery2 directly just fine. I have given all my galleries guest visibility. And can see them fine whether logged in as a registered user, or simply as a guest. However, when I try to view these galleries via mambo (using com_gallery2), simply as a guest to the mambo site, I can see the albums etc, however, when i click on them, I get an authentication error in mambo. The only way I can get my website visitors to see my galleries, is to log in as guest... Here's my website if anyone is interested... http://www.stephenmorton.com.au gallery2 website is at http://www.stephenmorton.com.au/gallery2

Anyway, i really need my site visitors to be able to see my galleries without logging in, while still maintaining the ability for regiestered users to log in, and only see their galleries...

Thanks in advance,
